DayZ Dual Admin Debug Monitor

Well I managed to get the above to work however the debug doesn't work for players no matter what I try, it has to do with other scripts that check players uid's I guess :(
Hey Urban,

You have the built in player detect within a radius for the admin panel... How challenging would it be to turn that sort of concept into a 6th sense for heroes.

Something like this:

Check for humanity rating, say 7000.
Provide radius of players within 250m that are Below -12000
(Basically this is Level 1 of 6th Sense - Not very good)

And having multiple levels so its like

check for humanity rating - 12000
Radius increased to 500. Checks humanity below -6000.

Ideally there'd be a bunch of tiers for heroes to achieve... further increasing the radius (to a certain point).. and further detecting lesser bandits (Or perhaps the inverse if that makes more "sense")
Is anyone else havin the problem that when you hit the hotkey the debug monitor stays up and never goes away or is there a setting that defines how long it will stay up?
hey guys was wondering how i would put a timer into the debug, lets say counting down 4 hours till the server restarts. ive seen this is possible but cannot wrap my head around where to start. thanks for all your help.

    if ((getPlayerUID vehicle player) in ["123123"]) then {
    //Debug Info (Admins Only)
            _headShots =    player getVariable["headShots",0];
            _kills =                player getVariable["zombieKills",0];
            _killsH =              player getVariable["humanKills",0];
            _killsB =              player getVariable["banditKills",0];
            _humanity =            player getVariable["humanity",0];
            _zombies =              count entities "zZombie_Base";
            _zombiesA =    {alive _x} count entities "zZombie_Base";
//timer stuff
    _countdown = _totalTime - time + _serverTime;
    _serverTime = _this select 0;
    _totalTime = 240*60;
    _numbersToTimeString = {
    _hours = _this select 0;
    _minutes = _this select 1;
    _chars = [];
    _chars set [0, (floor (_hours / 10)) + 48];
    _chars set [1, (floor (_hours mod 10)) + 48];
    _chars set [2, 58];
    _chars set [3, (floor (_minutes / 10)) + 48];
    _chars set [4, (floor (_minutes mod 10)) + 48];
    toString _chars
  //timer stuff end
      hintSilent parseText format ["
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='Center' color='#FFBF00'>[%18]</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream'>Survived %7 Days</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Players: %8</t><t size='0.95 'font='Bitstream' align='right'>Within 500m: %11</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' >Viewdistance:</t><t size='0.95'font='Bitstream'align='right'>%12</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Vehicles:</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream'align='right'color='#13eedb'>%13(%14)</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Air:</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream'align='right'>%16</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Tank:</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream'align='right'>%15</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Car:</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream'align='right'>%17</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Zombies (alive/total): </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%19/%20</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Zombies Killed: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%2</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Headshots: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%3</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Murders: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%4</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Bandits Killed: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%5</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Humanity: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%6</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Blood: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%9</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>FPS: %10</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>GPS: %22</t><br/>
//timer addition for debug menu
    <t size='0.95'font='Bitstream'align='center'>Restart in: %23</t><br/>",
//timer addition for debug menu end
    (name player),
    (player getVariable['zombieKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['headShots', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['banditKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanity', 0]),
    (count playableUnits),
    (round diag_fps),
    (({isPlayer _x} count (getPos vehicle player nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 500]))-1),
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["StaticWeapon","Car","Motorcycle","Tank","Air","Ship"],25000])),
    count vehicles,
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["Tank"],25000])),
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["Air"],25000])),
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["Car"],25000])),
    (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle player) >> 'displayName')),
    (count entities "zZombie_Base"),
    ({alive _x} count entities "zZombie_Base"),
    (getPosASL player),
    (mapGridPosition getPos player),
//timer function call
    ([floor (_countdown / 60), _countdown mod 60] call _numbersToTimeString)];
//timer function call end

This is my snippet from my player_spawn_2 for admins. can anyone tell me why its not working? I tried to edit a pre existing timer function from [!!!/page2 ].
Now THAT was a GREAT idea. Here is what I use:


180 = 3 hours (my restart time)

Will this work with just that line? under the <br> part?
when i use that it uses it as Minutes, and its showing miliseconds too.

so 234.2342 but works correctly it counts down and everything

should i divide by another 60?

in text this means
(my restart schedule in minutes MINUS (how long the server has been running DIVIDED BY the number of seconds in a minute))

This gets you VERY close to the amount of remaining time to next restart. I can't do anything about the decimal points.

could i get help with this:

i am currently using the Admin tool ( )
while in game non admin players can the tool that looks like the pic provided

i have tried editing the file in the debug folder playerstats.sqf
for normal players to have the following order

player name
days ingame

People kiled
bandits killed
zombies killed

i have changed it from:
<t size='1.20' font='Bitstream' align='center' color='#00CC00'>%1</t><br/>
<t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='center' >[%11]</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='center' color='#FFCC00'>Survived %7 Days</t><br/><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Zombies Killed: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%2</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Headshots: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%3</t><br/>
<t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Murders: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%4</t><br/>
<t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Bandits Killed: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%5</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Humanity: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%6</t><br/><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Blood: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%10</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' color='#5882FA'>Server name here</t><br/>",

<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='center' color='#00CC00'>%1</t><br/>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='center' >[%11]</t><br/>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='center' color='#FFCC00'>Survived %7 Days</t><br/><br/>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Blood: </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%10</t><br/>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Humanity: </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%6</t><br/><br/>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Murders: </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%4</t><br/>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Bandits Killed: </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%5</t><br/>ok
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Zombies Killed: </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%2</t><br/>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Headshots: </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%3</t><br/>

<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#5882FA'>BGC TS3: <t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#5882FA'>teamspeak number</t><br/>

the problem is changes dont have any effect on the debug

also the admin debug shows FPS where blood number should be
and theres an OK between zombies killed and its number


  • Debug.jpg
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  • Debug 2.jpg
    Debug 2.jpg
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Hey the way you should do this is count how many lines each function is, lets say (name,player), this is #1 the next in the line looks like (player getVariable['zombieKills', 0]),//2 so keep doing this for all your functions and put %1 or %2 (respectivly) as their place below. I have labeled everything already so you can just go by what my numbers say. //1-//20.

Also below i uploaded the whole file so if ur missing a bracket here or there just use that file.

Here is the admin half
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='Center' color='#FFBF00'>[%1]</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream'>Survived %7 Days</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Players: %8</t><t size='0.95 'font='Bitstream' align='right'>Within 500m: %11</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Vehicles:</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream'align='right'color='#13eedb'>%12(%13)</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Air:</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream'align='right'>%14</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Car:</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream'align='right'>%15</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Zombies (alive/total): </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%17/%18</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Zombies Killed: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%2</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Headshots: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%3</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Murders: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%4</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Bandits Killed: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%5</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Humanity: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%6</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Blood: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%9</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>FPS: %10</t><br/>
        <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Server Restart:</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%20</t><br/>",
    (name player),//1
    (player getVariable['zombieKills', 0]),//2
    (player getVariable['headShots', 0]),//3
    (player getVariable['humanKills', 0]),//4
    (player getVariable['banditKills', 0]),//5
    (player getVariable['humanity', 0]),//6
    (count playableUnits),//8
    (round diag_fps),//10
    (({isPlayer _x} count (getPos vehicle player nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 500]))-1),//11
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["StaticWeapon","Car","Motorcycle","Tank","Air","Ship"],25000])),//12
    count vehicles,//13
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["Air"],25000])),//14
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["Car"],25000])),//15
    (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle player) >> 'displayName')),//16
    (count entities "zZombie_Base"),//17
    ({alive _x} count entities "zZombie_Base"),//18
    (mapGridPosition getPos player),//19
    (240-(serverTime) / 60)//20

non admin
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' color='#5882FA'>Scootaloo's</t><br/>
    <t size='1.20' font='Bitstream' color='#5882FA'>%1</t><br/><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' color='#5882FA'>Survived %7 Days</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Cars: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%11</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Air: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%10</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Zombies Killed: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%2</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Headshots: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%3</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Murders: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%4</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Bandits Killed: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%5</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Zombies (alive/total): </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%9/%8</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Humanity: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%6</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Blood: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%12</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Restart in: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%13</t><br/>",
    (name player),
    (player getVariable['zombieKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['headShots', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['banditKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanity', 0]),
    (count entities "zZombie_Base"),
    ({alive _x} count entities "zZombie_Base"),
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["Air"],25000])),
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["Car"],25000])),
        (240-(serverTime / 60))

full file for always on debug. -- lets be real binding a button for debug is stupid and no one will bind to action 20.


  • debug.txt
    22.4 KB · Views: 50
thx for the info
can u just chek if this is ok
i wanted to go for normal player to have in the given order

player name
People kiled
bandits killed
zombies killed
teamspeak ip
restart countdown

is this ok?
<t size='1.20' font='Bitstream' color='#5882FA'>%1</t><br/><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Blood: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%7</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Humanity: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%6</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Murders: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%4</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Bandits Killed: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%5</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Zombies Killed: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%2</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Headshots: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%3</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Teamspeak server here</t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%13</t><br/>",
<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Restart in: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>8</t><br/>",
(name player),
(player getVariable['zombieKills', 0]),
(player getVariable['headShots', 0]),
(player getVariable['humanKills', 0]),
(player getVariable['banditKills', 0]),
(player getVariable['humanity', 0]),

(240-(serverTime / 60))

well i tried again with the changes and it still shows like the one in the pic i posted before
could anyone chek what im doing wrong if u got the time

for normal players id like to them to see this:

player name
People kiled
bandits killed
zombies killed
teamspeak ip
restart countdown

thx my file is included i tried to follow alkindas instructions but it didnt work
did you edit your debug/player_spawn_2.sqf

Change the UID's below to match those of you and your admin(s)
Your admins will get the advanced version of your debug monitor,
while your regular users will get the cut down version.
    if ((getPlayerUID vehicle player) in  ["24908678","40216710","77438150"]) then {

Those numbers need to correspond to YOUR admins Unique ID's

and what version of the debug are you using the always on or the push to toggle.
1. i dont have the player_spawn_2.sqf
2. the debug im using is incorporated with teh admin tool ( they said for any debug questions to go here)
3 i dont care that much about the admin debug
4 the problem is the normal debug
5 im using the toggle version
i dont have the code for the toggle version, if u use the always on version you could just copy my player_spawn_2.sqf. most people wont know how to get ur debug to show anyways with toggle.
well i tried everything i can think of....
and i cant get it to work....

i could realy use some help here
well i tried everything i can think of....
and i cant get it to work....

i could realy use some help here

If you don't need the admin debug, then turn it off and use another debug monitor. Also ask the author of the Admin Tools whether they are using my latest release of the debug monitor. I don't provide support for the old version and I don't help with customising it either, or I'd be here 24/7 .. Get it to work without your tweaks first, then add your stuff in , this way you can back track your edits and see where you went wrong.
i dont have the code for the toggle version, if u use the always on version you could just copy my player_spawn_2.sqf. most people wont know how to get ur debug to show anyways with toggle.

Are you talking about my debug or another? Mine is only toggle on-off , no always on version!
full file for always on debug. -- lets be real binding a button for debug is stupid and no one will bind to action 20.

Really? I have 20+ players on my server who will prove you wrong, right now... if its stupid , use another debug, this thread is for my debug monitor which requires a hotkey. Most people hate the always on version btw, they should have the option of turning it off.. Not everyone likes it!