Guys help me out with: Script Restriction #5


New Member
Hey guys, i have an issue with overwatch serverfiles 0.2.4 and x00 antihack.
People are getting kicked with reason: Script Restriction #5
As i searched for any answears i get the idea i need to whitelist in script.txt the lines wich is kicking poeple in script.log, correct me if i'm wrong.

So basicly my script.txt looks like this:
5 setDammage
5 "compile toString"
5 @TheWarZ
5 "beeeh"
5 "dayz-injector-menu"
5 Shadowy_NONRE
5 "lol\car.sqf"
5 "_cute"
5 "_stuff"
5 "_vgmenu"
5 "_func4"
5 "_genVar"
5 "_rand60"
5 "_first_term"
5 "_skarmory"
5 "_salamence"
5 "Init RE"
5 "Nigger"
5 vilegaming

and people are getting kicked by this reason:
13.09.2013 16:24:29: Vizteck (xx.xx.x.xx:2304) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #5 "ff.sqf','wookie_wuat\startup.sqf','gc_menu\starten.sqf','Shadowy_NONRE\setup\startup.sqf',

So if i understund correctly, i need to whitelist:

Can someone lead me how to do it right, if i'm correct in my research!
Thank you and i'm realy sory for my bad english :(
But if i comment out or remove thouse, i have other problems.
For example people start to get kicked by pressing "Insert or Tab" e.t.c :/
Seems its pointless to try to fix it, cuz people gona get kicked anyways!
The bad key combination kicks are from the antihax logging the player's name with parenthesis or brackets. For example, here is a player who pressed shift + tild in publicvariable.log:
02.10.2013 01:13:39: Echo Walrus ( ceaebbe33a6be493584c581b06f95564 - #0 "PVAHR_214729" = ["Echo Walrus","88823622","Key: VG(Shift + tild)"]

With default BE filters he will be kicked by this line in publicvariableval.txt because he is running code with a "(" in it:

So, you just add an exception like this:
5 "(" !"TELEPORT REVERT" !"VG(Shift + tild)"

All other BE kicks can be fixed in a similar manner. Just look in the corresponding .log file and find the line that is kicking the player. Look at what the code looks like and add an exception for it.

Thank you wery much, it helped me alot! :)