AIO fixes for DayZ

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Staff member
oh monday...
fixes for
  1. no endless food items (link,link)
  2. no endless drink items (link,link same as 1)
  3. no endless build items (link,link same as 1)
  4. no endlesse med item (link,link same as 1)
  5. no endless tents pinch (link,link same as 1)
  6. no endless ammo on skin change (link)
  7. debug monitor (with correct stats)(link,link,link)
  8. smoke for heli crashes (link)
  9. proper vehicle damage (link)
  10. prevent body duplication on exit (link)
  11. no fuel reset on save (link)
  12. no backpack reset or duplicated on skin change (link)
  13. broken legs fixed, when change the skin
  14. time sync between game server and the host server
  15. no duplicate items using zombies/animals (link) (with side effect :( )
  16. infinite eating and drinking in vehicle (link)
  17. corrected dayz_objectUID and dayz_objectUID2 (rounding issue)
  18. uiControl annoying error message
  19. correct save/deletion for tents.
  20. correct deletion of build items from DB.
also added:
  1. autosave when gear
  2. autosave when getout from vehicle
  3. reconnect penalty, anti ALT+F4.
  4. mysqlcppconn.dll with multi db/instance support (dev branch)
  5. timezone offset
small side effect with autosave - you can save destroyed tent :)
terms of use:

UPDATE: code clean. add death message in server log. testing phase.
UPDATE1: small improvements
UPDATE: some fixes. also optional ugly death message in global chat. off by default.
UPDATE: dev branch
  • new damage system for high-load servers. (prevent server spam by damageEH and delayed DB updates.) need massive testing!
  • move player death message to player-side (seems without delay)
  • db schema with instance support. call main(222) for deafult antirocket behavior
  • try to protect player from damage before EH is set in Initialize phase.
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