Recent content by AlexHjelm

  1. AlexHjelm

    [Support] ESS

    Is this correct for epoch?
  2. AlexHjelm

    [Support] ESS

    Hi, i got this error spamming all the time, how can this be fixed? 9:49:52 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected 9:49:52 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\spawn\spawn.sqf, line 66 Bad conversion: array 9:49:53 Error in expression <ue;_x allowDamage false;} count (player nearEntities...
  3. AlexHjelm

    Origins Server 1.71+ 1.785 miniClient

    Shiet ppl still doing bad origins rips? It is deaded, go over to Epoch.
  4. AlexHjelm

    Sad finding.

    This is why i never buy stuff from GSPs, its childsplay.
  5. AlexHjelm

    Tents/Vehicles not updating when servers are hived

    ZombZ did, or i should say GhostZ did it on the forums then removed the thread because he lied about it and i did make him(ZombZ) look bad. Also, I hope everyone on opendayz stay away from Zombz or thinks before even talk to any of them.
  6. AlexHjelm

    Wreck/CarePkg - Issue

    Do you run Overwatch? it seems to be an Overwatch problem.
  7. AlexHjelm

    Tents/Vehicles not updating when servers are hived

    Your friends over att Zombz told me Zombz was the creator of the whole server, why do you post in reality section about your servers when Zombz/You did it all by yourself? Or did you use Reality and alot of opensource scripts from opendayz and claiming that Zombz owns all the code that runs...
  8. AlexHjelm

    Dayz Overwatch Mod by Midnight Gaming Crew!

    Seems like the mod are already dead
  9. AlexHjelm

    Origins Server?

    If they run 1.7.5 on 1.7.1 servers. You can download 1.7.1 from here
  10. AlexHjelm

    Origins Server?

    I have had players go there by foot or cars only to kill newspawns.
  11. AlexHjelm

    Origins Server?

    Tell them to downgrade to 1.7.1 and not use 1.7.5?
  12. AlexHjelm

    Origins Server?

    Hambeast posted it some pages back.
  13. AlexHjelm

    Origins Server?

    The house bug is fixed in this thread, both of the bugs. I can confirm it :). My players too.
  14. AlexHjelm

    Origins Server?

    I talked to 2 of the Origins Devs today and with KingHunt and one of the DEVs compared them to BMW and there designs so i guess they really makes money out of Origins. Sadly we wont be Partners now because i have been hosting stolen files and my players need to wait for the official release.
  15. AlexHjelm

    Origins Server?

    Seems that DayZCommander guy wont answer :)