Recent content by Bloodl1ke

  1. B

    DayZ v2.0 Pre-Release Open Testing!!

    New issue: Raw Meat has no weight. Having 10 stacks of meat doesn't change the weight value at all. Doesn't matter if it's in the backpack or not. Haven't checked cooked one, as I have yet to find a hatchet.
  2. B

    Mosin Nagant

    Bloody awesome.
  3. B

    Shinkicker's server time

    A thing I've noticed is that the current way the Day/Night system has been put a lot of people are complaining that they never see the glorious sunlight. And I'm one of those people. Sure I know the fact I'm also one of the people from Europe also contributes to that (timezones and everything)...
  4. B

    Sleeping mechanic for 2017 - your suggestions!

    Dunno if it's possible, but it would be weird if you sleep for your whole day in 10 seconds or so. It could be cooler if it requires you to log off next to the tent and then the rest could be accumulated while you're offline. Though that would probably be way harder to implement. But it's just...
  5. B

    Dayz 2017 V1.1 Open testing

    Downloading it with 1.2MB/s. Not really sure the connection is capped.
  6. B

    Dayz 2017 V1.1 Open testing

    Using this I'm still able to get "Gut Human" and "Gut Animal" on a Sheep. P.S. Removed http:// off the quote since I can't post links yet.
  7. B

    The 'What would you like to see' thread?

    Another thing that always made me go "What?" was perhaps the fact I could find more rifles then pistols in residential areas. What I'd love to see is residential areas being more handarm (pistol) based and things like barns, farms, deer stands and the kind being the ones more rifle specific.
  8. B

    The 'What would you like to see' thread?

    I would like to see less ammunition laying around. Pulled off like 100 kills today in less then 3 hours. Never actually ran out of ammo but once. While zombies do swarm you and make you waste a lot of ammo if you get cornered, the common Winchester and Lee Enfield have plenty of ammunition...
  9. B

    Dayz 2017 V1.1 Open testing

    Yep. I even gutted a boar as a human. Got the message that I gutted a fellow human being, got the human flesh on it's body. Surprisingly enough I don't get that option on zeds. Also people have complained that they can't gut their sheep, but i never encountered a sheep, only a boar and a goat.
  10. B

    Dayz 2017 V1.1 Open testing

    Aye, me and a few others have confirmed that we get the option to both gut the animal as animal and as a human.
  11. B

    Dayz 2017 V1.1 Open testing

    Found my fix as well. Had recently turned on the steam option on DayZ Commander and apperantly I had to turn on "Replace original Arma2OA files with Beta so Steam works". Silly me.
  12. B

    Dayz 2017 V1.1 Open testing

    Also getting the Bad Version rejection. Both when starting it manually and when using DayZ Commander.