Recent content by ColinM9991

  1. C

    HiveExt Custom Logging - Text File

    My previous methods were using diag_log; but that's in place with a ton of other stuff. I may decide to whip something up in C# and release it here on the forums
  2. C

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    The best way to keep the mission file size down in this case is either by putting it in to the DayZ_Server in the @hive mod; or else you could make your own script mod that runs server side only and reference the mod path in the mission init.sqf. All your customization goes in the server side...
  3. C

    [Need Help] Black Rectangle Debug Script Monitor

    This is a bit of a late bump; but for anybody else - This is done by -showScriptErrors in your Startup command line for your client game.
  4. C

    HiveExt Custom Logging - Text File

    I am wondering if it is possible to add custom things to the HiveExt log file such as "Player A has killed Player B". I have all the scripts I need already from previous work I've done on another gamemode, I just need to know now if there is something the HiveExt dll uses to log in to files...
  5. C

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    That makes sense; the only part that confuses me when I was thinking about that yesterday is the overwriting of global or public variables. call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles I presume of course that putting the following AFTER the...
  6. C

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    Final verification: Am I putting this in dayz_code.pbo server side or the mission? I presume the mission. (I'm quite new to the DayZ editing side and its framework) P.S; Here's a faster method rather than all of those if statements for the bloodbag removal on the above script, if anybody's...
  7. C

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    I looked at it for a while yesterday and I guess that without modifying the DayZ mod for yourself and all clients then there really isn't any way to get it working; other than possibly setting it server side in a script mod and broadcasting it, or calling it for each client that connects.
  8. C

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    What's the process to get this running on Vanilla for all clients?