Recent content by Drago13

  1. D

    [SUPPORT] DayZ of Glory (SPORKMOD)

    this is the error : 8:59:00 Error in expression < Norenew = false; }; }: spawnKilling = { _name = cursortarget; _justspawned> 8:59:00 Error position: <= { _name = cursortarget; _justspawned> 8:59:00 Error Missing ; 8:59:00 File...
  2. D

    [SUPPORT] DayZ of Glory (SPORKMOD)

    Yeah worked fine before update. Followed all instructions, still won't work now.
  3. D

    [SUPPORT] DayZ of Glory (SPORKMOD)

    I updated and lost the debug, trying to figure out what i did wrong...
  4. D

    Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

    Make sure your debug monitor under if (!isDedicated) then { , in your init file. That may take care of your errors.
  5. D

    Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

    If you are running a custom debug monitor, that is what is likely causing the error. Try disabling that and see if you still get the error.
  6. D

    Base Building

    Tease! LOL
  7. D

    [Simple Tutorial] Dogs on Taviana

    Make sure that isn't coming from your debug monitor. That is usually what causes that error.
  8. D

    [Release] Sector UBF [699+ Objects]

    This is very nice, gonna try it out. One question though. In your instructions you instruct Copy the content of the Sarge AI File Section 2 and paste it at line ~137. It looks to me like section one and 2 are identical, plus paste at line 137 is kind of vague, alot like myself have a heavily...
  9. D

    [Tutorial] Custom Loot Tables and Adjusting Spawn Rates

    Thanks Bro, I will give it a try..
  10. D

    [Tutorial] Custom Loot Tables and Adjusting Spawn Rates

    I am getting this error, it seems a couple others are too, but cant seem to find a fix. Any ideas? This is killing my rpt log. Thanks. 10:10:25 Error in expression <) select 1) * 100); for "_k" from 0 to (_weight - 1) do { _weighted set [_j + _k> 10:10:25 Error position: <_weight - 1) do {...
  11. D

    Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

    Ive tried everything to get this working.. My choppers just hover in one spot, until you approach them or shoot at them. then fly off. I can look down the coast a sometimes see 5 choppers just hovering in one spot. Any ideas?
  12. D

    RPT Log - Help

    I finally figured it out, somehow TSW was causing it, disabled it till i get it sorted out. Thanks for the reply.
  13. D

    Blur Gaming Custom Spawn Tutorial

    Yes, I have it on one of my servers.
  14. D

    Server Files

    I don't mind going through a specific host for an official mod with limited ability to change it. As long as its is reasonably priced, and good enough to be worth it. If the mod is good enough, you shouldn't need to change anything, i.e. Origins. But is it worth the $65.00 a month cost. Almost...
  15. D

    RPT Log - Help

    I know this is an old post but what did you do to fix this? I have been through every file and cannot find the problem. Been driving me crazy for a week. I think it keeps crashing my server also, keep getting out of memory on server.