Recent content by IJPOOI


    Sarge AI and Animated Heli Crashes

    doesnt really matter now, thanks for the input, 1.7.7 killed my entire player base by banning 95% of the added things we had on the server.

    Sarge AI and Animated Heli Crashes

    ok ive read a few issues with running both mods, do you have any advice for installing and certain settings with your mod?

    Sarge AI and Animated Heli Crashes

    Just wanted to ask before did the animated helicrash mod for my server, can these two mods run together where the ai patrols in Sarge's mod spawn loot when shot down like the heli crash mod?

    Players unable to ride with eachother

    i did manage to fix it but we still run into the issue occasionally, most of the time a quick reconnect from the lobby fixes the issue or just hanging around the vehicle for a minute or so does it. i havent heard any complaints from other players so it might also be the fact the last time i ran...

    Players unable to ride with eachother

    I did some reading its related to SARGE AI and the way the ai tag players to determine if they are hostile or not, check out his config and turn on the vehicle fix option. seems to have solved it on my server.

    Players unable to ride with eachother

    Im not really sure where i should have posted this but ive been editing my mission file alot lately and now players cannot ride with eachother in vehicles if their humanity is too low. does anyone have any suggestions? i can attach my mission file if need be.

    Blunt Force Trauma DayZ | Private Hive

    IP : Briefing: Our server is a clan run DayZ server primarily aimed towards having fun playing the game and players not being spoon fed on the server. We have active admins and a teamspeak available for all players to join. We have a few mods installed to allow players to...