Recent content by Ikabob

  1. I

    BE Kicked #125

    after looking at the code i proboply only had to add this part to the end of the line but ohh well its working [nil, nil, rspawn, [[West,"airbase"], _message]
  2. I

    BE Kicked #125

    ok sorry i found other post that had this problem but none had an answer as to how to fix it. but after reading them and a little common sense i finally found the script. the line in scripts.txt was 5 "rspawn" !"rspawn = 'spawn'" !"rspawncode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands...
  3. I

    BE Kicked #125

    hey gettign kicked When i kill an AI i looked through the Script.log and here is what its kicking me for. if (!_isSomeone) then { deleteVehicle _agent; } else { dayz_bodyMonitor set [count dayz_bodyMonitor,_agen" 21.06.2013 15:09:36: Ikabob (ip) <bunch of numbers> - #5 "s an enemy for a...
  4. I

    in thread u said you...

    in thread u said you fixed your problem with gettign ride of the "-" after true.. can you explain where that was i am having same problem with getting Static AI to spawn. no mater what i try they wont spawn.