Recent content by joenilan

  1. joenilan

    Can't get in Vehicle with another player

    I'm sure this was known in the old version but it seems I'm still having this bug in 1.5.1 and addition fixes you added to your github. Can't get into a vehicle with another player. We are both bandits, none are around. Any fixes/help/info instead of telling me to use the search and pulling up...
  2. joenilan

    Origins Server?

    could someone point me to the file/code that spawns heli crashes please?
  3. joenilan

    DayZ Private Server Files Pack (1.8.8)

    hey, just got everything setup and working fine. Kudos, one thing i need to do is edit starting inventory. there is no documentation on your gethub besides "You can change a players starting inventory by editing the .... which will allow you to enter the ID's of the items you would like to make...