Recent content by Johnny Box

  1. Johnny Box

    Epoch Guards with Options

    Epoch's vehicle spawn system is different to regular Day Z mate and teh .st control panel doesnt work in relation to vehicle spawns. Epoch uses a dynamic vehicle spawn system, meaning it randomly places its vehicles all over the map each restart - admins have no control on the positioning. They...
  2. Johnny Box

    Issue with 'Flagged' Players & Vehicles

    Hi folks, I am getting a similar problem on our server, could you please elaborate what the SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG fix is and where do I put it? Thanks
  3. Johnny Box

    100% Custom Loot tables - TUTORIAL

    Hi folks, thanks for the scripts and instructions OP, managed to get this working fine. I have two questions though; 1. If I update the loot table sometimes to include various weapons/kit that I have seen working in-game (G36A, MG36 etc.) it seems to stop the server spawning gear. I'm not sure...
  4. Johnny Box

    Weapon Cache in DayZ?

    hi, great thread but I was wondering if you could add weapon/ammo crates (ideally custom ones) to the loot table? I already use a custmised loot table but would love to have a low probablity of a crate spawning in some areas. Any ideas if this is possible?