Recent content by kraZey

  1. K

    DayZ Civilian Information.

    There are no problems with v2 signature files, this is a user-side problem. "Signature check timed out", i love this kick^^ I see this about 100 times per day on my server and I never was kicked. Disable UAC, start the game as admin.. =)
  2. K

    DayZ Civilian Information.

    Are you mad?
  3. K

    Strange vehicle spawning

    I created a new database and used the old tables (added manually survivor, profile etc, ), now it seems to be working. Thanks anyway.
  4. K

    Strange vehicle spawning

    Hi dudes, i am using 1.7.5 reality serverpack for dayz 0.74, ..all is running as well. When I spawn cars via "" and only 40 mappoints for vehicle are set, then always more than 40 vehicles will be spawned, usually about 70. The vehicles spawning above...