Recent content by Lt. Dan

  1. L

    What should I do about these guys???

    Yes, I am using the DayZPriv Anithack/Admin tool and it does a great job at getting the real hackers. I have spoken with the makers and they are looking into some updates just for the Vile Gamers stuff, so I will just watch them and let them play until they hit the wrong key and the Anti-Hack...
  2. L

    Respawning same place/Gear bug

    I am having a issue like this, but it is only me not the players on my server. I spawn 22000 m away from the map and I have no sound, no food/health bar. I hope someone will reply how to fix this.
  3. L

    Anyone running this with DayzPriv?

    Yes I love the Anti Hack / Admin Tool, works really good. I can Only Praise they have been so good at giving me a hand with difierent things. Dami even helped me work with the Admin tools. Later.
  4. L

    Anyone running this with DayzPriv?

    I am so glad it work for you. See you in Cherno.
  5. L

    Anyone running this with DayzPriv?

    I am having hacker issues right now and looks like I am going to have to reset my game files it might not be a good idea to put my files on because they might have changed. Not by me, but hackers. Just in the last day someone set my spawn off the map for every time I log on.
  6. L

    Server control

    Had this happen as well, they got in my PC and got my password. Make sure you are running a malwear program, APItrap program, and a good anti-virus program. Next if you have not done it change your server passwords. There are hack programs out that Vilegaming . net sell that will grab recon...
  7. L

    Anyone running this with DayzPriv?

    I have no clue. When I first stuck Sarge in the choppers where not working at all, just bursting into flames. After I did the sever cleanup it worked. I am not trying to get my server to run the same way you are, so the random AI aren't really an issues for me. One question for you is if you go...
  8. L

    Anyone running this with DayzPriv?

    It looks like the only thing I ended up doing was make sure to copy your fn_selfActions.sqf file out of the server.pbo and place a copy of it in the Custom folder under your Cherno folder. Place the Krixes self bloodbag script in the copy fn_selfActions.sqf file. In the init.sqf file point a...
  9. L

    Anyone running this with DayzPriv?

    I concur with 3DDC, I have never had any kick issues or vehicle issues after taking care of the server_cleanup.fsm. It took care of the heil crashes as well. One thing you need to make sure that you have the last update Sarge file.
  10. L

    Anyone running this with DayzPriv?

    I was just looking at your server_cleanup, and it looked good. Glad to hear you got things working better. As for the spawns of AI, you could change the size of the grid in the SAR_cfg_grid_Chernarus.sqf. Right now my file is standard settings at x=6 and y=6. you might can change this a little...
  11. L

    Anyone running this with DayzPriv?

    I am using the Admin / Anti-Hack tools from DayzPriv. Great tool. It has not blocked anything that I can tell. Let me finish looking at the code and I will get back to you.
  12. L

    Anyone running this with DayzPriv?

    It looks like you have not made the changes in the server_cleanup.sqf in the Server.PBO. Those look a lot like the RPT's that I would get before making the cleanup changes that Sarge suggest. If you have made the changes you might want to get Sarge to look at it.
  13. L

    Anyone running this with DayzPriv?

    I have self blood working, but I really am not sure what I did to get it working. I will see if I can look into it and post a self blood on DayZPriv tutorial. I know I had to mess with a butt load of settings to make it finally work.
  14. L

    Anyone running this with DayzPriv?

    I did read "if fail then run default" so you may have an issue. Check your RPT Log file.
  15. L

    Anyone running this with DayzPriv?

    Make sure you hashout the war demos they will kill the spawn and FPS. It is all in the SAR_cfg GRPS. Also check your spawn percentage. PS. I love the heli patrols. It is funny watching the chat. "Hey Heli land I need help". Of course I tell them that there ai pilots in the scheduler, but no...