Recent content by maksencjusz

  1. M

    Make Deployable Bikes Not Disapears on Server Restart

    Noob question, but where do I put this? [_vehicle,[(getDir _vehicle),(ASLtoATL getPosASL _vehicle)],(typeOf _vehicle),true,"0"] call server_publishVeh; I wrote a small script for deploying static gun, and would like to be able to save it
  2. M

    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    Missions work fine and I use Private Hive Tools instead of AdminTools, so can't tell abything about it. But missions work 100%, the only thing is that when I kill mission AIs they don't give me humanity, but it's already been fixed in one thread here on opendayz, and I fixed that too.
  3. M

    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    I already had it, but it didn't help, but I did something else with server_cleanup.fsm I added this in line 268 and uncommented this and also added this in line 298 Apart from seeing AI running around and helis flying, also the FPS dropped from 70 to 30 :/ So, AI is working...
  4. M

    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    So the SargeAI doesn't work for me. I scanned through the files and found that there's an error in init.sql. in this part: //SARGAISTART if(SargAi)then{ //UPSMON call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers"addons\UPSMON\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf"; //SHK call compile...