Recent content by Markokil321

  1. M

    Removing Hospital boxes?

    Thanks for your reply, Will test that out soon, once i get some spare time! :)
  2. M

    Zombies Unite Custom DayzEpoch Server

    Our apologies for the slight delay, Both our Chernarus and Namalsk Epoch have now been updated to v 1.0.4! There have been some slight changes in the way some of our Custom Scripts work, but not much that players will be able to notice. Also 2 different types of Side Missions have been added...
  3. M

    Removing Hospital boxes?

    Gonna bump this :confused: Anyone happen to know?
  4. M

    Server Dsynch Help

    I have managed to fix this... after many days of crying myself to sleep checking through files and wondering what could possibly cause something like this to happen. I have found what i believe is the cause, in my hiveext.ini i remember changing the Server time from what i had before to...
  5. M

    Removing Hospital boxes?

    Hello, (another n00b question) :eek: I run two DayZ Epoch servers, and am wondering whether it would be possible to remove the Medical boxes that spawn inside hospital Buildings. There are already plenty supplies spawned on the ground and then an additional 2 boxes with 10 of each med supply...
  6. M

    Zombies Unite Custom DayzEpoch Server

    Many fixes made to our servers just now along with some tweaks to our Anti Hack. Also opened a rust server! Visit for more info :)
  7. M

    Server Dsynch Help

    Thanks for the reply, will try it out! However i find it strange that the "Lag Fest" starts every day at exactly 22:30 GMT and is over by 23:30. That and the fact it only happens on one of the 3 servers hosted off my machine. But i will give it a shot. Today i had this spammed 10000 times...
  8. M

    Server Dsynch Help

    Hello, I am posting this because i have been having a very tough time with one of my DayZ Servers running off of my dedicated machine. I have recently reinstalled an Epoch Chernarus Server on my dedi and ever since then there has been nothing but trouble... Every Day, between 22:30 and 23:30...
  9. M

    Zombies Unite Custom DayzEpoch Server

    After many years of not updating this thread... i would like to say we are still up! There has been a server wipe since this thread was posted so there are many fresh base building locations, many tweaks to our mods and anti-hack have been made and we have more custom towns around the map...
  10. M

    How many players can this server handle?

    Hello, (n00b question here ) I was wondering how many players/ dayz server(s) this dedicated machine could handle with A connection speed of: 150Mbit/s UP - 150Mbit/s DOWN. Unmetered Bandwidth Would it be able to handle two (2) FULL DayZ servers and run smoothly with no connection/network...
  11. M

    DayZ server hosting OS

    Hello, I'm looking at buying another dedicated machine and need some help choosing the Operating System for it. The machine will primarily be used to host 1-2 high pop DayMod servers and possibly 1-2 other small game servers. (Of more recent popular games) So my question is, should I go with...
  12. M

    Zombies Unite Custom DayzEpoch Server

    NEW 10-11-2013 We Now Run on a new super powered Fully DEDICATED machine With 32Gb of RAM, 2 RAID 0 SSD's and a beast CPU, This will reduce the amount of lag and other server problems dramatically!Also added bike deploying (right click toolbox > Deploy Bike) and you now also have the option to...
  13. M

    Zombies Unite Custom DayzEpoch Server

    06-11-2013 Updated and fixed a lot of things on the Anti-Hack. -More protection against a wider variety of hacks/cheats. -Changed some things which will result in faster loading times. -Removed old/idling entities from the database. (more fresh building places!) Come check us out
  14. M

    Zombies Unite Custom DayzEpoch Server

    - Fixed Login issues and Debug Spawning. - Fixed vehicles sometimes being damaged after a restart. - Fixed and added more items to the trader tables!