Recent content by mikeeeeee

  1. M

    Static ai not spawning No helis / No static patrols

    ya sry pasted old codes, i have no foreign character and put a 1 in. they do spawn as military but attacking everyone. i also have a faction.sqf from my missions and someone said i could delete it cause sarge ai already has this settings. is this true? faction.sqf waitUntil{initialized}...
  2. M

    Static ai not spawning No helis / No static patrols

    Managed to get it working on Epoch. just changed: //Admin Base Protection [SAR_marker_kamenka,3,2,4,"fortify",true] call SAR_AI; to: //Admin Base Protection [SAR_marker_kamenka,3,2,4,""] call SAR_AI; But now my static soldiers attack every player and behave like bandits. Thats my settings on...
  3. M

    Static ai not spawning No helis / No static patrols

    Got the same problem, static just wont spawn. here my configs: // enable or disable dynamic grid spawning // ----------------------------------------------- SAR_dynamic_spawning = true; // ----------------------------------------------- // enable or disable the AI debug monitor //...
  4. M

    [Release] DayZChernarus Mission System

    so if i am right, i have to delete the faction.sqf and change SAR.but wich sqf is it? Just found: //Sides that are enemies of resistance // DO NOT CHANGE THIS KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [east];
  5. M

    [Help] - Preconfigured R3F Logistics (Towing and Heli-Lift) ABANDONED

    some Players get setpo #0 restriction if they unlift/release an object. what did i do wrong? do i have to change battleye script?
  6. M

    [Release] DayZChernarus Mission System

    I have the same problems, no shooting AI
  7. M

    DayZ Mission System

    hey, got Sarge and Missions running on my DayZ Epoch server but the AI wont attack, they just do nothing. i Edited faction to: waitUntil{initialized}; //Only create these if they aren't already createCenter east; createCenter resistance; //Survivors WEST setFriend [RESISTANCE,0]; WEST...
  8. M

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    yeah sry. did it like you said and now it shows selfBB but nothing happens. but fixed it now, it was trying to open sqf out of folder custom but mine was called scripts. thx for support.
  9. M

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    Hey, i got the selfBB working but now i cant access the tradermenu oder lock/unlock vehicles. This is the init.sqf out of the installation: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf"; //Compile trader configs call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers...