Recent content by MoleMan

  1. M

    Sad finding.

    Vilayer Once Accidently Deleted my account :/
  2. M

    Zombie Free Zone

    you know, i BET your server is not unhackable ;)
  3. M

    Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

    ok i added some text to this, when the helicopter crash it comes text in middle of screen " A helicopter has crashed, Find it for high valued loot!" ( ofc the text is editable )
  4. M

    Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

    any possible way to get the MI17 to work as there seems only the UH1H is spawning
  5. M

    Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

    When starting the server.. if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && > 17:32:09 Error position: <_x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && > 17:32:09 Error Undefined variable in expression: _x to fix this, replace your 2nd line in the cleanup.FSM guide thing under the HAcker section...
  6. M

    Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

    ok i just saw the heli, however i TRIED to shoot it, i took out its engine, the AI landed the plane with emergency landing and ran off. lol
  7. M

    Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

    i am starting develop server, and i see no sigh of movement towards the ocean around cherno / elektro
  8. M

    Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

    let me have a look then i will try to combare ;)
  9. M

    Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

    Can you upload your Mission file and your Dayz_server pbo so i can compare mine?