Recent content by Morten Elholm

  1. Morten Elholm

    [Help/Discussion] Zabns Take Clothes

    Thx for the help. Can't belive it's a \ instead of / that's the problem haha - big thx !
  2. Morten Elholm

    [Help/Discussion] Zabns Take Clothes

    My script doesn't work In game when i select the "Take Clothing" it pops up and says that i can't find the script - but the funny thing is, that it says the file is located at "custom/player_takeClothes.sqf", and the file is at that place, but it doesn't work. I don't really understand why...
  3. Morten Elholm

    [Help/Discussion] Zabns Take Clothes

    Sorry for the late reply. Can't find this file "setvariable.txt" on my server. But i can find a "script.txt" located in my "OldBattleEye" folder, is that it ?.
  4. Morten Elholm

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    IT WORKS !! Thank you !
  5. Morten Elholm

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    It still doesn't work, and i've redownloaded the files from this forum: dayz_mission.pbo > Init.sqf //Load in compiled functions call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf"; //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)...
  6. Morten Elholm

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    This doens't work with Epoch And it fucks up my trader menu to so i can't trade at all - the menu wont show up. When will there be a update ?
  7. Morten Elholm

    [Help/Discussion] Zabns Take Clothes

    can't find this on dayz. epoch in the Battleye setvariable.txt ?
  8. Morten Elholm

    How to get ammo to MK17 in Epoch ?

    Hi guys Me and my friend are playing Dayz Epoch v. and my friend found a MK17, but we can't find any ammo to this weapon. And on the Hero Camp, you can still buy the weapon, but not buy the ammo. So where do we get that ammo ?. - Morten
  9. Morten Elholm

    [Resources] - DayZ Server Additions

    i am referring to that the link i posted in #43 does not work. I am getting a 404 error when im using it - so the link is broken, that, is what im referring to................................
  10. Morten Elholm

    [Resources] - DayZ Server Additions

    #42 When i go into he's thread and click on he's links to get the script, then i get a 404 error. - this link im talking about.
  11. Morten Elholm

    [Resources] - DayZ Server Additions

    Is broken, the links in he's post doesn't work.
  12. Morten Elholm

    Creating a spawn intro cut-scene?

    Just added this to my server, and it works. Is it possible to make the script write in side channel: "Player [playername] is online" and "Player [playername is offline", for when people are joining and leaving the server ?..
  13. Morten Elholm

    Vehicle repair script

    Just tried on my server, it doesn't work :( I placed the .gitattributes, .gitignore & ScriptsMZ inside the dayz_mission.pbo. And then you wrote something "After the 99 survivor spawn points, but above class markers." So then i put the rest of the code inside mission.sqm it in here...
  14. Morten Elholm

    How to make a welcome message when people are joining

    im using a server from, so can i still use it there ?.
  15. Morten Elholm

    How to make a welcome message when people are joining

    @dayznextasy Im really new to this, and i don't know what BEC is, so i will google it :). Is it possible that i can get a copy of your intro thing, that sounds really awesome !.