Recent content by Muddr

  1. Muddr

    In Game Messages

    Not sure if you've checked this but this is the issue I had. in the init.sqf file.. you need to comment out or remove 'enableRadio false;' This was also blocking kill messages for me.
  2. Muddr

    Straighten Custom Buildings?

    in the init for the object add this setvectorup [0,0,1]; If you rotate or move the object you will need to save it for it to realign it.
  3. Muddr

    they go into it their own folder.. If you look at this post it says how to do it. Post from...

    they go into it their own folder.. If you look at this post it says how to do it. Post from Seven. but really it's where ever your execVM is saying to look.
  4. Muddr

    Editing the in-game map.

    Pretty sure for markers it's X,Y,Rotation.. I haven't messed with markers in awhile though...
  5. Muddr

    piggd Smelt Scrap Metal ver 2.0

    had some issues installing this from the github link and did some investigating. This is all from the github link from the last commit.(April 27, 2013) In every file in the smelt folder there is an extra }; at the end of the file which causes errors in the client's rpt file. In...
  6. Muddr

    DayZ Chenarus Auto Refuel! All stations!

    If you look at the post attached below(post #99 in this thread).. I modified Seven's script to work with pumps and all tanks you can fill jerrycans at. There is also variables in the kh_actions.sqf file to change settings.
  7. Muddr
  8. Muddr

    I need a fuel script for fully explained, I've tried a lot.

    You forgot an important step.. BattlEye/scripts.txt changing the setFuel, add this to the end: !"Scripts\kh_actions.sqf" !"Scripts\kh_vehicle_refuel.sqf" Example: 5 setFuel !"\"setFuel\"," !"z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_setFuel.sqf" !"\"dayzSetFuel\"" !"dayzSetFuel_code" !"dayzSetFuel...
  9. Muddr

    DayZ Chenarus Auto Refuel! All stations!

    Add this to your setFuel on the scripts.txt !"Scripts\kh_actions.sqf" !"Scripts\kh_vehicle_refuel.sqf" Should look something like this.. 5 setFuel !"\"setFuel\"," !"z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_setFuel.sqf" !"dayzSetFuel" !"dayzSetFuel_code" !"Scripts\kh_actions.sqf"...
  10. Muddr

    DayZ Chenarus Auto Refuel! All stations!

    Ha.. I never even thought of a bicycle.. I updated the pastebin to reflect the change. or just change line 28 in kh_actions.sqf to: if (_currentVehicle != player && _isNearFeed && !(_currentVehicle isKindof "Bicycle")) then { I could try and see what I can do.. I just started to mess with...
  11. Muddr

    DayZ Chenarus Auto Refuel! All stations!

    I modified the script that Seven posted to work with all the fuel tanks you can use with jerry cans and the gas pumps. I removed some code that wasn't needed and added messages for when the vehicle moves while fueling and when fueling is done. Added some variables to the kh_actions.sqf file...