Recent content by Peter Brennan

  1. P


    i have a few sfx in my mission.pbo and the files is now close to 3mb.... can anyone tell me if its possible to put my soundfiles server side and call them from there through the description.ext???
  2. P

    [Release] - BTC Fast Roping

    ] all good mate stupid mistake on my part, i left out a semicolon in my server_functions just before dayz_recordLogin. ... had nothing to do with your script... this works great! thanks heaps!
  3. P

    [Release] - BTC Fast Roping

    im having trouble this breaking my server in epoch is this happening to anyone else?
  4. P

    no worries ill keep trying. if i come up with something ill let you know

    no worries ill keep trying. if i come up with something ill let you know
  5. P

    hey mate did you end up getting cannibalism working on epoch?

    hey mate did you end up getting cannibalism working on epoch?
  6. P

    HALO Jump On Spawn! - Tutorial

    I'm on holidays atm. I'll be back in 6 days and then I'll be updating my server to I'll let you know when I get to halo spawn to edit it
  7. P

    HALO Jump On Spawn! - Tutorial

    try using a check to see if the player is a newspawn or not.. if they are not then execute the logincamera. this is the code... credits to player2 change logincamera_execute.sqf to: sleep 5; waitUntil {!dialog}; camera = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "camera\logincamera.sqf"; waitUntil...
  8. P

    HALO Jump On Spawn! - Tutorial

    what is the script for the custom login camera? i think i can help you
  9. P

    how to stop a script after it has started???

    yes thats it thanks a million
  10. P

    how to stop a script after it has started???

    the script has a timer on it for 3 minutes and in that time you are required to do something to stop the script... how do i stop it??
  11. P

    how to stop a script after it has started???

    hi. im working on my first project and in the script i have some conditions that have to be met in a certain time. if the certain time runs up and you dont get the job done you are punished... i have this written and is working but im having trouble stopping the script if the conditions are met...
  12. P

    HALO Jump On Spawn! - Tutorial

    if you cant get it to work im happy to edit your pbo's and get it working for a small donation to my server
  13. P

    HALO Jump On Spawn! - Tutorial

    You haven't disabled the Anti Teleport function in player_spawn_2.sqf 1. open up compiles.sqf that is in your fixes folder. 2. find this line player_spawn_2 = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_spawn_2.sqf"; 3. change it to player_spawn_2 =...
  14. P

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    thanks for that ebay... ive got 1 more question for you mate... any chance of having this script start before you character loads... what i mean is any chance cut to a black screen and have the options show up before you start? What im trying to do is incorporate the halo script with it a...
  15. P

    HALO Jump On Spawn! - Tutorial

    your best option is to take out the extras you put in and redo them one by one to see what is interfering with it