Recent content by Punisher79

  1. P

    Hi! lol

    Hi! lol
  2. P

    Dayzmod V1.7.7

    We are seeing these errors repeating every 15 seconds in the .rpt file. Any clue what this is about? 22:50:31 Cannot use magazine ItemBandage in muzzle MineEMuzzle 22:50:31 Cannot use magazine HandRoadFlare in muzzle BAF_ied_v1_muzzle 22:50:31 Cannot use magazine ItemBandage in muzzle...
  3. P

    Reconsidering available weapons

    Yep! That was the first/ last time I tried to put something into the loot tables, lol. Good guess, how did you know? lol
  4. P

    Reconsidering available weapons

    My players have fallen in love with the RH weps, but I have an extreme distaste for anything with Thermal sights/ scores, outside of NVGs. I struggle to modify the loot tables (never successfully made a change that worked) so having AS50s, M107s, and Thermal sights in the loot tables...
  5. P

    invcust + celle = no skin saving

    did you find a fix? I need this too. :/
  6. P

    [Attempt] Namalsk 0.741

    Hi VisaD. I Admin on Strikes FactionZ server. We launch our Namalsk cycle today. :) Any chance we can get some help? Appreciate all you do. Thank you for keeping our dreamz alive!