Recent content by ScareD

  1. S

    [DISCUSSION] DayZ Origins-like DiscoBot

    I know about the HIVE error problem, but this doesn't matter, and this is the only way I found to keep player's onBack loot after reconnecting. So it's just a workaround. I can't get the dayz_onBack var working properly too. :O
  2. S

    Question about color changing

    Ill try this on my test server and give you a working version this evening.
  3. S

    [RELEASE] DayZ Origins-like DiscoBot

    New Update! VERSION 1.1 UPLOADED (only changed a discobot_files archive filelink) Update status: IMPORTANT! changelog: *[FIXED] player melee weapon lost after bot despawn.
  4. S

    Question about color changing

    if (isNil "custom_monitor") then {custom_monitor = true;} else {custom_monitor = !custom_monitor;}; while {custom_monitor} do { _kills = player getVariable["zombieKills",0]; _killsH = player getVariable["humanKills",0]; _killsB = player getVariable["banditKills",0]; _humanity = player...
  5. S

    Question about color changing

    Post here your script, and I'll help you.
  6. S

    Question about color changing

    if(blood <= 6000) then{ blootTXT = parseText format["<font color='#ff0000'>%1</font>",blood]; } else { blootTXT = parseText format["<font color='#f0ffff'>%1</font>",blood];};[/CODE]
  7. S

    [RELEASE] DayZ Origins-like DiscoBot

    Version: 1.1 WORKING AND TESTED WITH What it is? This script spawns a bot on each player disconnect. Bot could be hurt by other players or vehicles, but cannot interract with zombies and environment. It's the DayZ Origins bot, just ported to any other DayZ mod (I added connection...
  8. S

    [DISCUSSION] DayZ Origins-like DiscoBot

    Here is a discussion thread for the Origins-like DiscoBot.
  9. S

    Timer with a delay for DayZ

    At your init.sqf find the following if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"}; dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING"); _id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}]; _playerMonitor = [] execVM...
  10. S

    Custom building problem with patch

    Here is a solution:
  11. S

    [FIX] Custom buildings working on

    I've heared that somebody met the problem with custom (DataBase) buildings on his server. Here is a solution: 1) Open your server\system\server_monitor.sqf Find the following line: if ((_class isKindOf "AllVehicles") && ((_CharacterID == "0") OR (_CharacterID == "1")) && (_damage < 1)) then {...
  12. S

    [WORKING] Death/Kill messages

    Thanks. Added this to the tutorial page.
  13. S

    [WORKING] Death/Kill messages

    Hey guys! I've heared, death messages aren't working on, so I made a little fix and now it's fine. Check an oldstyle tut here (just because wiki-style is better to read): All credits goes to original method authors:
  14. S

    [Tutorial] Adding new buildings to existing maps

    It happens when you have a parameter between "AZIMUT" and "PARENT" parameters. I'll fix this soon, just can't get an access on the website right now:) Thanks for your feedback!
  15. S

    [Tutorial] Adding new buildings to existing maps

    LATEST UPDATE 17.03.13 *ADDED this method now correclty saves your new objects heights *ADDED now objects should not have weird angles: they will stay streight. *FIXED captcha issue (not important) Please, post your feedback, guys!