Recent content by Swordfish

  1. S

    [Release] DayZChernarus Mission System

    Found error on this line: _primaryList = ["AK_107_GL_kobra","AK_107_GL_pso","AK_107_kobra","AK_107_pso","AK_47_M","AK_47_S",]; remove the last ",". To fix the script for epoch, use this: _crate = _this select 0; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate...
  2. S

    Origins Server?

    Warning If you use the mysql trigger that removes the writing with empty inventory in houses, you can dupe items. The way it works is like this: 1. You clean your house on all items. 2. You leave 1 item in the inventory that you want to dupe. Lets say a DMR 3. You exit the house and lock it. =...
  3. S

    Origins Server?

    I have checked my character_data table and i see that many lives have 0 minutes in playtime :( I think the distance work value works. Does anyone have a fix for that?
  4. S

    Origins Server?

    Thanks, gonna try that tomorrow. But, doesnt that just make the night go faster? I need to make the day go slower. Thanks for your help.
  5. S

    Origins Server?

    Oo, iv got some headache now, with the time. Here is my code: I do a reboot every 6 hour and i end up with 2 hours of day, 4 of night (really dark). I would like 4h/2h instead. How? :)
  6. S

    Origins Server?

    In what file does the Grave Cross on salvation spawn in with DMR? I would like to remove them.
  7. S

    Origins Server?

    How? :)
  8. S

    Origins Server?

    Hmm, didnt work for me.. One user had one empty house (in game), he put some more gear in, and that was writed to the hive. Maybe it was "ok" before he put som more in.. One solution is when the hpuse is empty, do not put anymore inside it, and wait for restart. Then it reads in the inventory...
  9. S

    Origins Server?

    Im trying it out right now, i will be back in this thread in 2 days and come with a conclution.
  10. S

    Origins Server?

    The problem with the houses _could_ be related to a stranger entering your house. I have one user that never had loosed any gear at all. But when I entered the house (he opened it) it went empty in game and in DB instant..
  11. S

    Origins Server?

    Thats not my issue, i have noticed that once, that i player went in to his house and it was gone, but the DB had stuff in it. He looked again and then he saw everything. So i think that was the "bug" with the foundation inventory. But i had several times that the real inventory went empty. In...
  12. S

    Origins Server?

    Great news, i hope the other git users can help you with the last bit.. Would be se nice with that update.
  13. S

    Origins Server?

    Also getting random crashes now...
  14. S

    Origins Server?

    How often does your server houses get deleted inveorys? On my server is several times a day, and its just like 7 houses right now....
  15. S

    Origins Server?

    If you guys that working on the git would have access to the official server files, what files should you need to solve the problem with house inventory gets deleted?