Recent content by taito_

  1. T

    [How-to] Spawn and test all non-banned vehicles

    [Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 [Err] INSERT INTO `object_data` VALUES (19336, '1123123753', '1', 'datsun1_civil_1_open', '0', 0, '[148,[7438.45,8037.38,0.049]]', '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]', '[]', '1', '2012-12-13 02:20:48'); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully...
  2. T

    DayZ Private Server Files Pack (1.8.8)

    What is the password of the root user of the mysql? or how i can connect to the database with navicat?
  3. T

    Delete Arma 2 Game files? Update OA Gameserver?

    Hello, i want to know, what game files i can delete in the Arma 2 combined operations game folder, to save some space on my windows root server. And should i update the OA Game server? Or is the OA Conserver automatic up-to-date because of the game updates? Can i use DayZ Commander to Update...