Recent content by TorZar

  1. T

    Safe Bases - Almost Complete

    leolilu, thanks for the testing efforts! i'm assuming this is run server side? I'm still attempting when i get a chance to run this strictly client side on each machine. with each creating the triggers for themselves and seein how that goes. also, does the "processInitCommands" not have...
  2. T

    Safe Bases - Almost Complete

    Still workin on this here and there. Just getting a couple other projects outa the way
  3. T

    Safe Bases - Almost Complete

    ooo.. wait a sec.. it was still taking NO damage at all.. so theres no way to tell if the damage handlers are even being set as the allowDamage isn't even turned off correctly.. So, not even Arma's default way of allowing it to accept damage.. (where it all gets repaired after exiting/entering...
  4. T

    Safe Bases - Almost Complete

    Ahh, no ty for coming here and responding.. The damage is turned off once ENTERING the trigger as hoped for, on EXIT it seems to do nothing at all.. still takes no damage. It is all run from the mission pbo. Here are a few examples that i've tried with no luck: _BaseTrigger1...
  5. T

    Safe Bases - Almost Complete

    Yes, for the original design and the needs of our server and the whole purpose of the project to begin with. I would like this to function as intended. But of course can be modified for personal needs once finished and released. And Ya, it can all be adjusted easily within the script. Just a...
  6. T

    Safe Bases - Almost Complete

    Ok.. an update to try and completely explain specifically where i'm stuck as to possibly draw some answers.. I rambled on to a friend in skype that doesn't really know wth i'm talking about but is willing to listen and give ideas to make me think differently about it.. And mainly so i could...
  7. T

    Safe Bases - Almost Complete

    TY, and you are very correct.. DayZ was not designed for many of the things available these dayz.. BUT.. You throw a game like this out with unlimited possibilities into the hands of guys like us where your imagination and coding abilities are the only thing stopping you.. We will manage to...
  8. T

    Safe Bases - Almost Complete

    Its completely server side. Once I finish this last part of making the vehicles immune to damage inside the bases i'll be glad to release and give needed info. Just been trying to get that last little bit before i actually do a code cleanup and move some of the files around to work more...
  9. T

    Safe Bases - Almost Complete

    yes it can. to an extent without some of the features i needed. for a price and with compatibility for only specific servers. i needed something a little more versatile.
  10. T

    Safe Bases - Almost Complete

    As of right now it checks a list of UID's per safe zone. So some small amounts of manual labor involved on that part adding them in to get started. If anyone willing to improve the system and add DB integration that's always a bonus. But at this point I just wanted something functional EDIT...
  11. T

    Safe Bases - Almost Complete

    everything you specified there is currently what it is doing.. they can still shoot from inside the safe area. I'm still battling in my head whether that should be allowed in our situation atm.. And the warning, teleporting outside of the safe zone is fully functional. players currently take no...
  12. T

    Safe Bases - Almost Complete

    Ok.. What I wanted to accomplish is 98% complete.. All seems to be working as intended except for one part.. Which is driving me crazy now. The Idea: Player/Groups have a base/camp to store their gear or vehicles.. pvp and gear loss is an option anywhere outside of these areas. So far...