Recent content by ToshioSM

  1. ToshioSM

    How fix this bug?

    Hi all, I've problem with placing parts sidewalks in areas where is 30-60 degree terrain. For example (Krasnostav - road from market to Novy Lug on the up): Is any trick with angle for sidewalk to init expression? o_O Thanks for each help. When is normal leveled terrain then it looks...
  2. ToshioSM

    Location files on server for mission.pbo

    Thank you so much! What a pity! :(. Because i wanted to slim mission.pbo from .jpg and .paa files :cool:
  3. ToshioSM

    Location files on server for mission.pbo

    Do then won't seek files inside mission.pbo? Because i try load files outside mission.pbo.
  4. ToshioSM

    Location files on server for mission.pbo

    Hi OpenDayZ community, I try solve problem with giving location my files on server for mission.pbo. What i mean, in description.ext from mission.pbo i tried give address for loadingscreen.jpg but on my server, not in mission.pbo. It's folder "obrazki". Inside folder is loadingscreen.jpg...
  5. ToshioSM

    Adding new objects to Map Editor.

    I have this addon and other addons as: - MAP_EU - OA_Editor - Jon C5 Editor - ASG Editor and any small addons with russian buildings. I tried add new buildings with .pbo files in folder "AddOns". I see they use addon "CA". But i need more Rocks/Roads/Plants and Furnitures. Thanks for answer!
  6. ToshioSM

    Adding new objects to Map Editor.

    Hi all, I have small problem with adding new objects, to map editor. I did see in folder "Addons", one file "rocks2.pbo". It's list of files "rocks2.pbo: Then extracted file "mbg_buildings_2.pbo" from "Addons" and unpacked config.bin with using unRAP from ArmA Tools...