Recent content by vecticonic

  1. V

    Overwatch Vehicles Wont Spawn I.E (350Z-POLICECARS) Overpoch

    Heres my trader CFG file class Category_391 { class Civcar { type = "trade_any_vehicle"; buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"}; sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"}; }; class Civcarbu { type = "trade_any_vehicle"; buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"}; sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"}; }; class civcarbl { type =...
  2. V

    Overwatch Vehicles Wont Spawn I.E (350Z-POLICECARS) Overpoch

    RPT LOG 12:32:12 " PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-D:1 (El Capitan) REMOTE,"El Capitan (258425734) hivespawned 350z_red at [225.355,[10688.5,15206.6,0]]"]" 12:32:13 " PVAH_AdminReqLog: [-3,B 1-1-D:1 (El Capitan) REMOTE,"350z",[225.355,[10688.5,15206.6,0]],"ItemKeyRed2205"]"...
  3. V

    Overwatch Vehicles Wont Spawn I.E (350Z-POLICECARS) Overpoch

    Also, seems like the ACR's are being lost on logout. If you log with an ACR, you lose it on comeback. All the other overwatch guns are fine. Any Ideas?
  4. V

    Overwatch Vehicles Wont Spawn I.E (350Z-POLICECARS) Overpoch

    I've been making my own server and everytime I buy a 350z or police cars i've added from the trader, it takes my money, adds a key the red arrow shows for a spawn but nothing spawns. Any ideas? I have Infistar and even spawning it there wont add it to the game world, I added all the vehicles to...