Recent content by yome

  1. Y

    Origins Server 1.71+ 1.785 miniClient

    items in houses disapear at some restarts
  2. Y

    Origins Server 1.71+ 1.785 miniClient

    im testing some vehicles: ori_vil_postapoca_pickup ori_postapocar_fuel in the admin tools working but if make spawn and clases entry dont work: Cannot create non-ai vehicle using ori_originsmod_pickupold ori_originsmod_pickupoldfuel dont work
  3. Y

    Origins Server 1.71+ 1.785 miniClient

    yeah, works fine. bulldozers are in game? the submarine dont have submerge option i imform when find some bugs
  4. Y

    Origins Server 1.71+ 1.785 miniClient

    thanksss, what file is the timer and changes?
  5. Y

    Origins Server 1.71+ 1.785 miniClient

    this script is for respawn sectorB vehicles? other thing, how can fix the "duping character" at relog fast? how reduce timer of "discobot" or dont let player relog after disconnect and ghost are in?
  6. Y

    Origins Server 1.71+ 1.785 miniClient

    Solved reinstalling but now dont find: respawn.sql in package
  7. Y

    Origins Server 1.71+ 1.785 miniClient

    -im dowload 1.875 -put your v3 files in a2oa folder -exe install -edit startserver line to @dayzoriginsP -launch server -in client same -edit startclient to @dayzoriginsP -conect, client mods ok in right side of screen -join game: Warning Message: Script ca\ui\scripts\ui_loadingTextCustom.sqf...
  8. Y

    DayZ Base Building 1.3 Discussion

    i think step 4 and 5 are in compiles.sqf i tested and work in Im using blur AH and block the build action of normal players from recipes menu, but if i click in inventary items work fine, the admin in AH menu work fine, any know the addaction of build menu to whitelist in antihack?
  9. Y

    Help with anti alt+f4

    hi im add to my bliss server a little punishment to combat logers, im try to add a server message warning the other players of that user has log out in combat any idea to send global message? and to keep the player "ghost" online for 30 seconds? thnx