REQUEST Anti-Combat Log Script for Overwatch


OpenDayZ Rockstar!
I run a popular pvp server and the combat logging is out of hand. The only thing overwatch does by default its attempt to block Alt+f4 but this obviously doesn't stop combat loggers.

I'm really interested in getting this to work on overwatch

I have it on my overpoch server and it works perfectly. However the file structures are completely different on overwatch and I have no ability to adapt the script.

I will paste the relevant files, if anyone can give me a hand to get this working it would be much appreciated by me and the entire player base of my servers. (server_onPlayerdisconnect.sqf)
edit, just read the scripts description and it does morebthan,i thought, will esit it all this afternoon and post the resulting scripts
So, in onplayerdisconnect, overwatch uses _lastdamage variable to determine if they are in combat.

Line 6 ADD:
_removebackpack =false;

Line 18 ADD:
_combatLog = round(diag_ticktime - _lastDamage);
if (_combatLog > 5 AND _combatLog < 30) then {_removebackback = true;};

Line 40, CHANGE to this:
[_playerObj,nil,true,_removebackpack] call server_playerSync;

Now open the playersync file:

Line 4 or so .. somewhere at the top, ADD
_removebackpack =false;

Line 24, ADD:
_removebackpack = _this select 3;

Below Line 106, ADD
_playerBackp =["",[[],[]],[[],[]]];

Wouldnt this be better?
It puts an AI bot in the players spot for a few seconds. So if the bot gets killed, it sets the player as dead ... which completely defeats the purpose of combat logging. I used this and think its the answer. People will stay and fight because MAYBE they wont die, where they will SURELY die if they disconnect.
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Sorry Im confused... how do I use what you posted with the original script? What instructions am I following/not following?

As for the bot, I'd like to avoid spawning bots and killing the player because of performance issues, and the possibility of lag duping. I'd just like the remove all of the players gear and put it in a box at their location. Then perhaps message the server that the player combat logged and where they logged at.
what i ASSUMED was the script just removed the backpack inventory, so thst is what i wrote does.
then i realized it puts all the players gear into a crate to be picked up. thats what i didnt do.
i can put it all together for you a bit later,
Ok yea re-reading your comment I understand now. Yea it's actually really nice. If it was an accident you just log back in and get your gear.. if you did it on purpose, then the entire reason you did it in the first place is pointless.
Bump this. Still no solution to the problem. I have messages successfully being displayed but no consequences.