Open DayZ Community

At the moment I deactivated the portzombie function for my own server cause it causes huge lag and for some reason the (isServer) isn't working for me.

I'm trying to rewrite the complete safezone script that it change to allowdamage false via an publicvariable (normally it does not work for MP). Then zombies can't damage you in the safezone and you can't die in it.
Would be the best solution, but if I find a good solution to improve the zombieporter (I tried much different things) I will let you know ;)
Very strange, I think I'll have to do the same and see if that improves my traders from not working after a certain period of time.

Ideally yeah, a godmode script would be good to stop anything from doing damage in the area.

Shame really.

Would a setdamge 1; not be better or would that cause the same lag?
setdamage or port them away is the same thing. The problem is that the script is executed on every client and if much people are in the safezone it loops the server to death... causes use lag.

felixberndt told me to use (isServer) as a condition but it doesn't worked that way for me