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  1. B

    Editing problems

    Kashwak got it taken care of for me, instead of using cpbo with the dayz_server using PBO Manager worked better. Now my only concern is how I add weapon boxes into bases without spending two hours adding each and every code, especially since I'm using the rMod 2.1 and there's a bunch of new...
  2. B

    Editing problems

    Yeah I did. I just replaced the files with new copies, it seems to be working for now; so thank you for the assistance! Hopefully now I can get back on track with adding/editing lol.
  3. B

    Editing problems

    Turned the folder into a .bak file when I hit the pack to .pbo O.o Went into notepad++ to save as a .pbo, still came up as a non arma pbo when I tried to open it again to see if it worked. But thank you for the suggestion, I'll still be messing with it until I find a solution or one is given.
  4. B

    Editing problems

    So when I try to edit my dayz_server.pbo, I seem to ruin the file every time I unpack it, make my edits, then cpbo it back into a .pbo file. When I try to enter my server, nothing loads, and I usually get stuck on an authentication screen or something equivalent. Any suggestions? I'm sure it's...
  5. B

    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

    I'm using rmod. If it helps, I'll link what the setup looks like so far in the wardrobe_main.sqf pathtoclothing = "wardrobe\clothing\"; EXECscript1 = 'player execVM "'+pathtoclothing+'%1"'; if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["#########"]) then { wardrobe = [ ["",true], ["DayZ Clothing", [2]...
  6. B

    [Release] Headshot Suicide

    I can't get this to work at all. Every time I try, I get a "suicide.sqf not found" kind of message, I can bring up the "Commit Suicide" action on the scroll wheel, but after that it tells me the .sqf is missing even though it's in my mission folder. Any suggestions?
  7. B

    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

    I keep getting script restriction #0's every time I try to swap a different outfit. Also, the tut telling me how to add new skins really didn't help because there was next to no detail to it. Long story short, I'm trying to add: Soldier_TL_PMC as well as Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC Then again...