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  1. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    hmmm yeah, ok i think i'm beginning to understand. It's a shame but i guess these are the limitations of the underlying code. thanks once again for your help.
  2. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    Ok I'm obviously missing something extremely fundamental here, so I'm going to go through it step by step: 1. I create a new object: 23:06:40 "DEBUG: Checking if Object: 1755dd00# 1056727: fort_bagfence_long.p3d REMOTE is allowed published by Server" 23:06:40 "DEBUG: Object: 1755dd00#...
  3. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    yeah it logs to client rpt. and I get a value for _objectUID, and a 0 value for_objectID. But it doesn't delete, as mentioned it just creates new entry in the db. but then if I create a *new* object it also has _object=0, but yet it does delete properly and recreate with a new code. it is...
  4. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    yeah. at least i think so. here's the bit from codeCheck.sqf which i changed: PVDZ_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID]; //prepare global array to pass variables to the delete function publicVariableServer "PVDZ_obj_Delete"; if (isServer) then { PVDZ_obj_Delete call...
  5. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    Hi. Ok, interesting... editing the objects code is now adding a new object to the db with the updated code, but the old object is not being deleted. Similarly just deleting an object is not removing it from the db. server_deleteObj.sqf is being called, _id=0 so it's attempting to delete by _uid.
  6. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    thanks. its quite late here now i'll have a look at it tomorrow.
  7. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    ok here it is:
  8. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    Thanks. Do you mean in this bit: if (_damage < 1) then { // create object diag_log("Spawned: " + str(_ObjectID) + " " + _class); // for tents: non colliding position _entity = createVehicle [_class, _point, [], 0, if...
  9. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    getting down to what i think the problem is. Here's server_deleteObj.sqf: This is standard I think. At least I haven't modified it. Basically with a new object, _id=0, and if you send that _key array through to server_hiveWrite it works - and removes the item from the db. Anything else does...
  10. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    Looking at that again, I'm wondering if _entity setVariable ["Classname", _type, true]; //set Classname to the Object should be _entity setVariable ["Classname", _class, true]; //set Classname to the Object and whether it would make a difference to me problem... I don't know.
  11. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    Actually I'm not sure your tent fix is working for overwatch... I mean it's working in the sense that tents and other objects are persistent across restart, in the section for 1.8 only (or overwatch 0.2.5) you say do this: // Don't set objects for deployables to ensure proper inventory...
  12. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    hmmm. I definitely had the tent fix working at one stage, possibly before i tried to add kikyou2's improvements. maybe i broke it again.
  13. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    yeah. Objects spawn as the correct objects - so, a bagfence spawns as a bagfence, and in the correct position. But after a restart I am unable to delete the object (as owner) - no errors in rpt or hive log, it removes ingame and refunds components, but does not remove from db. Also after restart...
  14. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    been playing with this on and off the last couple of days, not really any closer to sorting it out. Going to have to give up on it at some point I guess. Anyway the strangeness continues... at server start server_monitor seems to be deploying recently built objects with odd classnames...
  15. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    Thanks. I've been playing about with it some more... changed the relevant section of server_monitor to this: // ##### BASE BUILDING 1.2 Server Side ##### - START // This sets objects to appear properly once server restarts //_object setVariable ["ObjectUID", _worldspace call...
  16. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    hmm thanks, interesting. yes i see there are no other references to _object in my server_monitor. should it be using _entity instead? i'm just stumbling around in the dark here - i don't understand this code well enough :(
  17. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    yes overwatch 0.2.5
  18. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    Ok it seems to be happening with all objects, post restart. Changing the code on an object created since the last restart seems to work fine. I wonder if its got something to do with this: 18:23:15 "Spawned: "13861241640180" TentStorage" 18:23:15 Error in expression < _damage; _code = _fuel...
  19. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    It's the check_publishobject function in server_functions which does that safety check. Beats me where "REMOTE" is coming from though.
  20. B

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    hmmm I got another strange one: I have 2 buildable objects, one recently created and one which has existed for a long time (before putting kikyo's improvements in). If I try to edit the code on the newer object, it works perfectly. However on the older object, it gets deleted from the db but...