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  1. X

    [Help Needed] Killfeed and watermark

    Hey guys, I've been searching for this months and months, and I finaly found a picture with what I want on my servers. Does anyone knows how to add this? Thanks! (Picture: xBowBii
  2. X

    [FIXES] Common scripting problems

    Hello scripters, Sometimes I've got some problems with scripting where I missed something and I tried to fix it and it didn't work as fast as I would.. So I am doing this thread where I will post the problems that I had and how I fixed them. I hope it will help some people...
  3. X

    [Help] "} else {" structure

    Hello all, I've got a question. I think it is pretty simple but I don't know WHERE to put the "} else {". Example: If (blablabla) then { if (!isDedicated) then { DZE_requireplot = 1 }; }; } else { DZE_requireplot = 0 Would this work? (assuming that on top of my init.sqf I...