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  1. M

    Allow Buildables to be removed after death

    Run this query on your database and it will make it so that everytime your character dies, the buildables built in previous charIDs will get updated to the newest charID. This allows you to remove anything you have built even after many many deaths. CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` TRIGGER...
  2. M

    RPT Spam-Illegal RE...

    I keep getting this in my client side RPT like crazy as well as low bandwidth on my server(possibly due to rpt spam?) Anyone know why? I am using Sarge AI that i think might be the issue... "WARNING illegal RE rhideObjectcode with args:[any,R 1-1-H:2 REMOTE,false]" "WARNING illegal RE...
  3. M

    Write objects to object_data in database

    So, I made some updates to what is craftable on my server. They craft fine but I cannot figure out how to get them to write to the database so they persist through a restart. Any help would be appreciated. I tried: _object = "Land_Ind_TankSmall2" createVehicle (position player); _object...