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  1. H

    [RELEASE] AI delete in Safe Zones

    Big thanks to lunchbox , inkko, fallingsheep,swede, and many others any i may have forgot for all the input and help trying to get this to work , seems it finally does! so heres the release make a file called SafeZoneAI.sqf and paste the following into it // Despawn AI around safezones...
  2. H

    [RELEASE] Vehicle Safe Zones by Lunchbox

    We have a (custom version) of AGN safe zones, but I believe this will work with just vanilla Dayz Epoch since the 'canbuild' function is from Epoch. I got ideas on how to write this all over the forums, if you need or want credit, please let me know. I don't remember where portions of code came...
  3. H

    Trader safe zones from ai - need variable

    for those who might be interested here im trying to get the agn safezone script i have (its currently deleting zombies in safe zones) in it to delete AI too so they dont get annoying but i need the variable for the DZAI units heres the thread for reference...
  4. H

    Dead player graves

    any chance anybody could help me track down where to edit the time till a players body turns to a bone pile grave or better yet disable that all together? i much prefer the bodies to stay around.