Search results

  1. M

    Tent spawn rate

    I don't know if I'm just really lucky or what, but after running around and looting supermarkets I get the idea that the spawn rate on tents is way too high. I think I found like 10 today in a few hours of play. How do you change the spawn rate? I don't have FTP access to my server, but they...
  2. M

    Turn off Map Waypointing

    I noticed this is disabled on Shinkickers server. How do you disable the ability to make waypoints in-game?
  3. M

    Starter Backpack Bug

    My host just added 2017 to their list of available mods. I've set up 2017, ran around a bit, tested some things out and it's working great. The only problem I have run into so far is that the starting backpack is the normal skinned one. Not the 2017 skin. How do I go about changing this...
  4. M

    DayZ 2017 Austerror ( : 2462 DayZ.ST has finally set up 2017 on their service, and I am in the process of switching my server over. The server is currently down, but should be up soon(host doing some work). There will be Whitelisting, which you can apply for at The...
  5. M


    Looks like the whole server got this shit from some kid on your server ><
  6. M

    Tank still needs some adjusting

    Came across one tonight. The first player I found shot it about 20 times with a pistol and enfield. I invited him to come for a ride, since it wasnt taking any damage. Then we drove around running over stuff and people in elektro/cherno. Dick move, I suppose, but amusing. We came across...
  7. M

    Launch with Play With Six?

    How do I get Six to show all the 2017 servers? I know Shinkicker has his own up, unless it's been taken down. I've installed 2017 in Six, but when I search for "2017" in the server name, nothing comes up.
  8. M

    How do I go about being un-banned?

    Long story short, I killed a couple people early this morning. One with an axe, the other with an axe and revolver. I was then kicked from the server and get kicked any time I try to log in. This is on the shinkickers 2017 server.