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  1. M

    [Support] DZGM

    Yeah it cut off slightly, oops! The ui_selectslot im now using is the one Inkko posted and it still doesnt work :( still at a loss here lol.
  2. M

    [Support] DZGM

    yeah i even tried your ui_selectslot and they are being called correctly as i can deploy things, farm hemp, binocular view distance and remotely unlock cars. everything defined in both extra rc and uiselectslot works except for this script. right click the item radio and there is nothing, but...
  3. M

    [Support] DZGM

    Also by using ui_selectslot and extra_rc EXACTLY as im asked, its still not working haha. Anything else that could be stopping it working? :o
  4. M

    [Support] DZGM

    The broadcast message works and informs you to right click the radio but there is no option to right click... ui_selectslot.sqf: Extrarc: I put the problem down to those two files, could anyone help me out here? Im at a loss
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    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    Having issues with the latest version of Infistar, worked fine prior to updating It. Where Is the Teleport distance defined? :o
  6. M

    HELP - Scripts wont load

    [] execvm 'AGN\agn_SafeZoneCommander.sqf'; Insert that at the bottom of your init.sqf
  7. M

    [Release] DayZChernarus Mission System

    Ok having pulled my hair out for about 3 hours i got it working on dayz epoch What I did: Instead of:fn_bases = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fn_bases.sqf"; I found fnc_plyrHit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers...
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    [Release] DayZChernarus Mission System

    Hey guys, first time posting here... I can't for the life of me work out how to add this to epoch. Im running and I can't find the first line: fn_bases = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fn_bases.sqf"; Other than that It looks fairly easy... any tips...