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  1. I

    [Ongoing] Watching the slow death of ArmA II: DayZ

    I was sitting on a bunch of additions I wanted to release at some point, but a few factors made me quit (publically) modding DayZ: I did a lot of scripting behind the scenes (just helping folks out) when I was more active here and ended up stopping when I found stuff I wrote in addons that were...
  2. I

    Store Killer `unique_id` in the SQL database

    Nice! No need to on my behalf, I've been running something like this for a while, but I'm sure a lot of modders would be grateful for a tutorial (if you meant me). With access to the database, there are very few limits on what you can add to the mod.
  3. I

    Store Killer `unique_id` in the SQL database

    I had some issues with getting the script to read variables put in the :[...]: part of the key on my lan server. The database apparently requires a value there, even if it's nothing. Try this (if you haven't already): _key = format["CHILD:999:update `survivor` set `killer_unique_id` = '%1'...
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    [Release] mmmyum's zed changes - quantity, AI, spawning, permaLoot, permaZeds& more

    Instructions for (the scripts weren't tested on versions past that): If wanted, install the skins and animations pbos from the "ADDONS_skins_animations_CLIENTSIDE_notRequired" folder. Replace server_cleanup.fsm and server_monitor.sqf in your server pbo\system folder with the ones...
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    [Release] mmmyum's zed changes - quantity, AI, spawning, permaLoot, permaZeds& more

    I didn't realize there were other responses recently, I'll try to help you guys out. You'll need to change the coordinates for the center used in spawn_permaLoot.sqf. Just place an object around the center of the map in the editor, get the coordinates from the mission file and insert them at...
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    [Tutorial] Saving AEG Variables to the Hive

    Scripts continued: server_savePowerGrid.sqf private["_powerPlantStatus","_distributionStatus","_transmissionStatus","_custKey"]; diag_log ("AEG_Hive: Save script initialized..."); sleep 300; while {true} do { diag_log ("AEG_Hive: Saving Powergrid..."); //get variables...
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    [Tutorial] Saving AEG Variables to the Hive

    2. Scripts: -I'm only going to post instructions on how to install this in your mission file, server pbo instructions are in the linked github repo. Create a folder named AEG_hive in your mission folder ad the following two scripts in it: server_setUpPowerGrid.sqf...
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    [Tutorial] Saving AEG Variables to the Hive

    I've been playing around with this for a couple of weeks and had enough fun with it to share it here. I figured out how to save the variables needed for the power grid provided by AEG to the database, allowing for persistent power states between server restarts. In my opinion, this kind of thing...
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    [Release] mmmyum's zed changes - quantity, AI, spawning, permaLoot, permaZeds& more

    Hey all, I helped mmmyum write a lot of the scripts in this addon, and have a pretty good idea how everything works. I haven't heard from him either since I got sick a month or so ago and couldn't keep working on this. Since we worked together on this, I wouldn't feel right about releasing...
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    Want to make all loot spawn like heli crash sites--once and permanent

    Sorry to make this a third post, but I forgot to mention the code in the last post is in the Cleanup Objects state.
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    Want to make all loot spawn like heli crash sites--once and permanent

    I can't edit my post to add this, but you will also need to remove this from the server_monitor.fsm: { if (local _x) then { _keep = _x getVariable ["permaLoot",false]; _nearby = {isPlayer _x} count (_x nearEntities [["CAManBase"], 100]); if ( (!_keep) &&...
  12. I

    Want to make all loot spawn like heli crash sites--once and permanent

    Here's what I'm currently running for this: server_monitor.sqf: add "_id = [] spawn server_fillLocs;" If you want the clutter to spawn at once, you'll have to override either stream_locationCheck to not call stream_locationFill or change stream_locationFill to not spawn objects, both in...
  13. I

    Having the server spawn all zombies once at server start

    After repeatedly breaking the zombie AI and killing server performance, I thought I'd share the parts that work before going back to regular spawns. I added this to my server compiles as server_spawnZombies and called it from every building on load (same as permanent loot): spawning code...
  14. I

    Zombie AI VS NPC AI semi working

    Have you tried adding "_agent addrating -200000;" to the bottom of zombie_generate? That way players keep the ability to loot stuff/use vehicles and AIs attack zombies on sight.
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    Having the server spawn all zombies once at server start

    Good idea about setting them to sleep to begin with. I created a sleep state the zombies enter when no players are around and tweaked the chase state's latency a bit. They're still a little bit slower, but a lot better than initially. I'll test different numbers of zombies some more, but it's...
  16. I

    Having the server spawn all zombies once at server start

    I'm experimenting with running the zombies on a headless client and moving them over to players that get near them. I'll probably drop the headless client part as it doesn't speed up the zombies by itself (while server fps goes up nicely) and I don't always have access to a second computer, but...
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    Having the server spawn all zombies once at server start

    I also messed with the 1.7.5 files for a while, ended up integrating the zombie and player damage performance fixes and rewriting player_zombieAttack to break car windows and pull people from cars when they're broken. Yeah, the slow reaction time is most likely due to the amount of agents the...
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    Having the server spawn all zombies once at server start

    Good to see you got it running. Looks like we messed with the same files in general, I'll post what I had to do at some point today. I'll have to gather up the files and look through them first. The zombie_agent in particular needed so few changes in the end that I felt kind of bad about how...
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    Having the server spawn all zombies once at server start

    I got it to work. Zombies kept getting killed on spawn by the general_cleanup state in server_cleanup.fsm, the part that has the comment "killing a hacker". I also had some issues with zombies not appearing, but resolved it by calling the spawning function with spawn instead of call (probably a...
  20. I

    Having the server spawn all zombies once at server start

    If you haven't already, take a look at dayz_server\compile\zombie_findOwner.sqf. It's called in the else part of the same block in zombie_monitor.fsm as the deleteVehicle command and also deletes the zombie it's called on. I'm guessing it used to or will at some point do something else besides...