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  1. chad5840

    Chopper take down fail

    My buddies and me show you how to NOT take down an AI Chopper.
  2. chad5840

    [RESOLVED] Self Bloodbagging with DayZMod (DCC

    I'm sorry i don't have much experience with the standard DayZ mod, I'm running Overwatch mainly and the mission file is quite different than yours. I would venture a guess by looking at my init.sqf that the compiles call should come right before //Game Settings
  3. chad5840

    J0k3r5 Stats Panel - Gear menu problem

    I have the same issue, I use the "HOME" key as it wasn't mapped to anything but it still won't let me access gear inside a vehicle. I haven't tried any other function keys to see if that makes a difference.
  4. chad5840

    [RESOLVED] Self Bloodbagging with DayZMod (DCC

    I think you may have grabbed the wrong init.sqf from perhaps a different MPmissions folder? Did you install the DAYZ server files directly into your ArmaOA directory?
  5. chad5840

    Toggle Debug Monitor

    I put in a new toggle debug montior. It works like a champ, however when the custom_monitor.sqf runs I can no longer access my Gear inside the drivers seat of a vehicle!? Weird, I move to the back seat and I can access it, but from the drivers seat you can't. Here is my debug monitor code...