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  1. G

    End Times Overpoch Cherno Server!! Loads of Mods more to come as requested!

    Newly set up, Prepaid for 6 months - Sponsored guild server! Often streamed on, Admin supported with events and good wars! Mods included are Single Currency Repair Refuel Rearm Fast Building Snap Pro Custom Loadouts Custom AI missions Some Roaming AI vehicles Trader...
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    TUTORIAL : Joining help for new Steam Updated Servers!

    Please goto my Video Tutorial on youtube!
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    Trader City Safe zones offset with Sauerland

    Hey guys, Just wondering what i can do to fix this issue, The safe zone is just shifted over and not actually on the traders, Im using AGN
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    Issues with ServicePoint on Epoch Sauer

    Hey guys, Wondering if anyone has any information about this addon, Entering Service zones lets you know that its on the server, It also adds the scroll options to the menu, But when you goto use any option, It fails to do anything at all...Any help would be awsome Running Epoch Sauerland
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    Strange Glitches with Zed Aggro

    Hey guys, Running Epoch Sauerland on the newest Arma patches 122555, Im having players loose Trader Functions and have to log out and Log back in in order to speak with a trader. Also There is a fault where the players loose all aggro from the zombies occasionally and it fixes after...
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    Question about Sarge AI

    Love the ai system, I want to change change of Heli Patrols. How would i do this? Cant find the setting for chance in the Config file
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    Bind Plot Poles to UserID not Player ID?

    How would you go about doing this.. Im using Vilayer host, Epoch Panthera Its a pain in the butt to remove all plot poles each time and replace them.. Right now i have the Decay turned off
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    Zombie Swams

    Wondering if anyone has a script for spawning in a large mass of zombies via character location, Using the Infi Anti Hack + Extended controls, I would like to create a surprise in the server every once and a while for small groups that are out looting only to find the house they are in to be...
  9. G

    Need a scipt for a building kit

    Hey guys, Wondering if this is the right thread to ask for this...Ive tried several things in spawning in a Ural into my server for some friends that would contain a building kit, Apart from spawning each item one by one id like to do the same as other servers do with spawning in a Ural loaded...