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  1. B

    No characterID Help

    Alright, so today I was trying to switch from EMS (Epoch Mission System) to DZMS, because EMS never seemed to spawn enough AI and I didn't feel like trying to edit it. So when I switched over I noticed no AI were spawning, I tried everything I could think of to get it to work, then it stopped...
  2. B

    Error message help

    Alright so I'm getting this error in my arma2oaserver.rpt 9:14:09 Error in expression <esList set [_index, AllowedVehiclesList select _lastIndex]; }; AllowedVehiclesLi> 9:14:09 Error position: <select _lastIndex]; }; AllowedVehiclesLi> 9:14:09 Error Zero divisor 9:14:09 File...
  3. B

    Help first time Script

    Alright I've gotten it to work finally, keeping the BE from changing back, so I'm going to work on seeing if the script will work now.
  4. B

    Help first time Script

    Alright I tried that but they all came back after restart.
  5. B

    Help first time Script

    Alright so I'm trying to update my Battleye filters for both a SetPos we're getting for heli lifting, and for this public variable, but everytime I change it, the files rest after restarts. Any idea why that might be happening?
  6. B

    Help first time Script

    @Soul I would do that, but I cannot seem to figure out how to keep that edited, when I restart the server all the BE filters go back to their original state.
  7. B

    Help first time Script

    Alright so I'm not getting that error any more. _TimeToNight = 3; //Time in minutes before night time isnight = 0; r_DoLoop = true; _TimeToNight = _TimeToNight * 60 + 1; //Set time to seconds while {r_DoLoop} do { if...
  8. B

    Help first time Script

    Thank you, I'll change it as soon as Vilayer stops being broken and I'll let you know how it goes.
  9. B

    Help first time Script

    Still getting an error. This thing does not want to comply. 19:44:20 Error in expression <_date = [2013,8,3,_hour,_minute]; }; } else (isnight == 1) then { _date = [2013> 19:44:20 Error position: <else (isnight == 1) then { _date = [2013> 19:44:20 Error else: Type Bool, expected code...
  10. B

    Help first time Script

    Alright now this seems to be happening 17:48:57 Error in expression <ey","_result","_outcome"]; if (isnight ==false) then { _key = "CHILD:307:"; _re> 17:48:57 Error position: <==false) then { _key = "CHILD:307:"; _re> 17:48:57 Error ==: Type Bool, expected...
  11. B

    Help first time Script

    I don't seem to be getting the errors much anymore, but it's not switching to night now. Looking into it.
  12. B

    Help first time Script

    I think I may have fixed it. Changed it to this: server_timeSync = { private ["_hour","_minute","_date","_key","_result","_outcome"]; if (isnight == flase) then { _key = "CHILD:307:"; _result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite; _outcome = _result select 0; if(_outcome == "PASS")...
  13. B

    Help first time Script

    I seem to be getting this error: 15:34:37 Error in expression < Local Time set to " + str(_date)); }; }; server_spawncleanDead = { private [> 15:34:37 Error position: <}; server_spawncleanDead = { private [> 15:34:37 Error Missing { 15:34:37 File...
  14. B

    Help first time Script

    Haha, yeah I tend to misspell stuff all the time, I type far too fast and my fingers get head of my brain xD But I'll try this out and let you know how it works.
  15. B

    Help first time Script

    So something like this: _TimeToNight = 3; //Time in minutes before night time isnight = flase r_DoLoop = true; _TimeToNight = _TimeToNight * 60 + 1; //Set time to seconds while {r_DoLoop} do { if (_TimeToNight >= 0)...
  16. B

    Help first time Script

    So, theory, if I changed my code to something like this: _TimeToNight = 3; //Time in minutes before night time _TimeToSkip = 12; //Amount of hours to skip forward TimeSync1 = [2013, 4, 22, 12, 0]; r_DoLoop = true; _TimeToNight = _TimeToNight *...
  17. B

    Help first time Script

    I will defiantly check out that link. Thanks again for all this help. I cannot seem to find that bit of code in my server_monitor.sqf, I'm running DayZ Epoch, not sure if that would make a difference. I'm either looking in the wrong file or DayZ Epoch does it differently, I wouldn't know myself.
  18. B

    Help first time Script

    Thanks for all the help you've given, I'll start messing around with the publicvariable, see if I can get it working, not 100% on how to use it with setdate, or where I should put it, but after a bit of tweaking I'm sure I can figure something out.
  19. B

    Help first time Script

    It still does not seem to be working for whatever reason. The countdown works, it get's to 0 and then seems to do nothing Here's the full code that I have: if (isServer) then { _TimeToNight = 3; //Time in minutes before night time _TimeToSkip = 12; //Amount of hours...
  20. B

    Help first time Script

    Alright I'll try that and check it in the morning, thanks for the help, I'll let you know how it works!