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  1. L

    Epoch array issue

    I'm trying to solve an issue with this code: //Define arrays owner_B1 =[]; owner_B2 =[]; owner_B3 =[]; owner_H1 =[]; owner_H2 =[]; owner_H3 =[]; owner_SG =[];//switch spawned objectsswitch(_type)do{case"Uroven1DrevenaBudka":{ owner_B1 set[count owner_B1, _ownerID];};case"Uroven2KladaDomek":{...
  2. L

    Disabling origins stings

    When I build an origins building and then I do open garage for instance. It will activate the buildings close garage feature and there will be two close garages. Is there a way to disable origins close string? I ask because anyone can do the origins close garage, not just the garage owner...
  3. L

    Placing items turn 45 degrees and invalid CharacterID

    I ma having a little trouble. When I used the code: PVDZE_veh_Publish2 = [_tmpbuilt,[_dir,_location],_classname,true,_charID,_activatingPlayer]; publicVariableServer "PVDZE_veh_Publish2"; It would publish the CharacterID in the database correctly but turn the building about 45 degrees. I...
  4. L

    Origins buildables help.

    Well Andrew_S90 and I have been working on the base buildings to be brought into origins and we're about 85% done. We are hitting a snag with strongholds. As of right now, if you place a stronghold, it will supply a randomly generated code for an unlock. The person who built the structure can...
  5. L

    Epoch SQL calls, help.

    How do I check via script, how to check to see if someone has something in the database? This is a check to see if they have something and if so, don't give them another. _key = format["CHILD:501:dayz_epoch.object_data:[""CharacterID""]:[[""CharacterID"",""="",""%1""]]:[0,8]:",_playerID]...
  6. L

    Removing gems question.

    How do I make it 0% chance that gems will not drop from mining nodes? I have another idea for these.
  7. L

    Database check question.

    How do I check via script, how to check to see if someone has something in the database? This is a check to see if they have something and if so, don't give them another.
  8. L

    Infistar issue with epoch origins.

    So I am trying to spawn in origins the houses for building. When a non admin tries to place one down, I get: " Log: Kotton -=GMA=- (24063059 | Purchase without Trader (C): PlayerPos 052189 [5266.21,6113.94,0.00143433] - VehiclePos 052189 [5279.54,6107.21,0] -...
  9. L

    [Support] Dayz Epoch Origins

    This is the support thread for the epoch origins script located here:
  10. L

    [Release] Player returned to lobby on death:

    No longer relevant, epoch 1.0.5 does this already. After 10 seconds on the death, you are returned to the lobby on death, automatically. No abort needed. This is for Epoch. First: player_death.sqf private...
  11. L

    Epoch Origins item insertion.

    I am trying to place Origins items into epoch but I am hitting a bit of a snag, when I try to add the item directly I an error. How would I go about adding origins magazine items to epoch?
  12. L

    The string, "Cannot Abort while in a trader city!" - Help

    I have looked in the dayz_code and dayz_server and missions files. I can not find this string anywhere. I would like to change it. Where do I find it?
  13. L

    [Release] DayZ Epoch Origins

    ******* UPDATED: 07/30/2014 ******** At any rate, I'm probably going to be dumping my nightly server builds here so keep an eye open. :) I will however not be posting updates for the sake of making it easy to update. You'll have to discern that for yourself. I will just be doing file dumps. I...
  14. L

    Question about humanity check?

    How can you check humanity when scripting? I can't figure it out for the life of me.
  15. L

    We won! Gamers platoon can no longer hold origins hostage!

    We have won! WE DID IT! Bohemia has called their bluff and is refusing to budge! "Communication with Bohemia Interactive is slowed down by not answering the calls and not answering mails about negotiation this issue."
  16. L

    Originspoch - Scripting Discussion and Server files.

    Moved post to here: