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  1. T

    Tank LOD not fixed

    Guess it doesnt really matter since the tank is getting removed anyway, but the Tank LOD is not fixed. Still does look like an regular Abrams from the distance. Just fyi :)
  2. T

    Issue with Gyrocopters?

    On my Stapo Server my logs are getting hammered with stuff like this 20:53:14 - SetDamage Log: #8 Playername (GUID) - #2 0.000000 2:716 CSJ_GyroPboat as soon as someone uses a gyrocopter. Or at least the amphibian one. Shortly after this happens the server usually crashes. Any ideas?
  3. T

    V 1.1 and Basebuilding script

    Absolutely love 1.1! Good work! :) Our server is running it since last night and people dig it. My question: Is it possible to use this script: with 2017 1.1 ? Or does it break anything?