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  1. gaga11

    [help?] Server wide or localized message when a player combat logs

    i was trying to add a message when a player combat logs in the dayz origins kill message style.. so i opened the server_onPlayerDisconnect.sqf and tried to add the message with multiple commands... titletext, rhint but nothing was working :S here is what i tried: if ((_timeout - time) > 0)...
  2. gaga11 | TS3 | Whitelist | GMT+5 | ~200 Vehicles | 4 Helis | Custom Vehicle Spawns

    Hey everyone! Welcome to the Kooiman Community Server. We are putting much effort and energy into the server and are always working on new improvements and innovative ideas, but our hardest task is to keep the server free of hackers and other maleficent influences. If you are looking for a...
  3. gaga11

    Vehicle autorepair on namalsk server

    using newest server files from github and arma beta patch 100296 okay here is what happens in DB: all vehicles that are freshly generated in the object_data table got 0 damage (is this normal?), the hitpoints look okay to me... shows damaged parts and how much they r damaged ( for example ...