Search results

  1. Gunslinger

    Dying when exiting helicopter

    Hi guys I've seen this bug a few times now: When exiting the (landed) helicopter your character appears in the back of it, you hear the broken leg noise and then die. Sometimes if you quickly hit gear you can save yourself. This is running Pwnozor's and ARMAOA 102591 The server...
  2. Gunslinger

    Unable to repair windscreen glass

    Hi I have had reports from players on my server that they can't repair the glass in the helicopters, I haven't been able to test this myself but one of the players did upload a video where he couldn't repair the glass in the Mi-17, it goes through the repair animation but the glass stays red...
  3. Gunslinger

    Which mission file?!!

    Just installed i44 using Stapo's Lite Server install, this is on a server where I regulary change the map/mod so I have a lot of .pbo's in the mpmission folder. So I see quite a few that are obviously i44 - but is it still correct that vehicles only spawn on Chernarus, if so can you confirm...
  4. Gunslinger

    Server up! Is there a list of weapons?

    So my server is up and running Oring (if anybody is interested!) based in the UK Everything was good until somebody got kicked for a banned weapon, I had forgotten to edit my banned weapons list! :oops: Is there a list of allowed weapons - or banned ones if that's easier? TIA
  5. Gunslinger

    Online map?

    Is there an online map for Oring? Not necessarilly a loot map, just a map so I can see the layout and where the towns etc are?
  6. Gunslinger

    DayZ Commander?

    I like the look of this map, any plans to get the client files on DayZ Commander? I would be interested in running a server when 0.2 comes out, but feel I won't get many players if it's not available on DayZ Commander............
  7. Gunslinger

    No Taviana?

    Just wondering why Taviana is not in your server pack? Is it because of the different versions (and difference in opinion to these versions?)
  8. Gunslinger

    New to Pwnozor's - which Taviana?

    Hi all First time I have used Pwnozor's Private server files - I must say first how easy it was to set up and get running, kudos to you! However I would like to run Taviana, I have never run a different map before and the more I look the more confused I get - which version of Taviana should...