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  1. S

    Drug script (need help)

    Hy guys im trying to make a drug script but I can't get work the duration of the drug. here is the script: private ["_item","_config","_timeOut","_timeMax"]; _item = _this; _config = configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> __item; _hasdrug1kg = _this in magazines player; _text = getText (_config >>...
  2. S

    Release : Automatic Message (Without bec)

    Current Version: 0.1 Last Update: 27/04/13 Automatic Message Here it is ! private ["_mainTextColour","_subTextColour","_hint"]; diag_log(format ["DEBUG RESTART MESSAGE || inizializing || %1",round(time)]); _subTextColour = "#FF0000"; _mainTextColour = "#4BC9B0"; //1 hour before...
  3. S

    Auto Msg Script (help without bec)

    Hi guys I'm trying to make a automatic messages before reboot without bec. It's supposed to work but it's not... private ["_mainTextColour","_subTextColour","_hint"]; _subTextColour = "#FFFFFF"; _mainTextColour = "#4BC9B0"; if (300 = time) then { _hint = parseText format ["<t...
  4. S

    [How To]Custom Music With Object (Radio, Etc)

    Hello people want to know how we can add custom music and listen it with a radio, etc. Ex: Ex2: Required: - Visual studio 2008 or something for edit config.cpp / ******.hpp - CfgConvert : - PBO Manager ...
  5. S

    Server_setup won't start

    I have a problem when i try to start the server (setup) Traduction: windows can't find "......." verify that you have typed the name correctly, and then try again Thank you SniPeZz