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  1. N

    Batch file for starting multiple servers.

    Ok so I'm a total noob in batch scripting i just found some tutorials on internet so they can ease my work. Have i wrote it correctly ? Didn't test it yet because my servers are running. @echo off REM Starting Gotcha Anti-hack ! start /d D:\Gotcha110\Gotcha-Antihack-master\...
  2. N

    Issues with i44 server

    Hello so i made my mind and tried to setup an dayz 1944 server up I started putting up the build when at the finish i got Hunk #12 failed at line 205. I didn't really cared so mutch i thought the server would go well after importing all wich i needed i thought it would go well . Now the thing...
  3. N

    Error 1045

    I really cannot connect on my server .. i always get this error ... i don't like this own mysql startup i would likeo use my own database from xampp or someone help me to solve this.Thank You.
  4. N

    Debug Monitor

    Can i install one to the latest reality server pack? And how ? Thank you.