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  1. B

    [Community Poll] Should Inventory & Backpack be shared between maps?

    The other problem I see with this is that it allows me the have a character I can loot farm with and a character to play with. For example, I get one guy at NWAF barracks, and the other I play with. Terrorize Elektro as a bandit, finally get killed. Respawn on the shore with nothing. But...
  2. B

    DayZ Private Server Files Pack (1.8.8)

    patchspot, I too had the glitch where people were kicked when they ate/drank. This is a bug in the 'scripts.txt' file (I believe in the battleeye folder). You need to get an updated 'scripts.txt'. I can't remember where I got mine, but it was on this forum and it was in response to this...
  3. B

    Couple of questions from a newb - can't find vehicles

    Hey guys, I've hosted game servers before but this DayZ stuff is new to me and pretty overwhelming. I've been reading a bunch for the last few days, setup a server, and have a few questions. First - a general one. Only the server accesses the mySQL database, correct? I know nothing of mySQL...