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  1. N

    DayZ 1.7.7 update soon

    Now I be damned! Its out! Thanks for saying mate!
  2. N

    Release: See how much space you have left in that tent!

    So that's why, hehehe. Thank u so much sirs! I owe u all! ;)
  3. N

    How do i import vehicles placed in the 3d editor into my database?

    Is this for servers on ST? What about for local machines?
  4. N

    Release: See how much space you have left in that tent!

    Sorry to bother you sirs but the fix doesn't seem to work on my server although alienx's did. Help.
  5. N

    No "chopwood sfx" on wood harvesting...

    Mr. Skaro, I seem to have a problem every time I harvest wood a message pops out saying something like "z_chopwood_sfx missing" and no sound is played during the action, please help, thanks...
  6. N

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    Is there a way to remove the annoying "Remove <objectname>" pop-out dialog everytime I look at a deployable object? And also can I add a fire barrel to the Mod? Anyway, thank you so much for the mod!