Search results

  1. Morten Elholm

    How to get ammo to MK17 in Epoch ?

    Hi guys Me and my friend are playing Dayz Epoch v. and my friend found a MK17, but we can't find any ammo to this weapon. And on the Hero Camp, you can still buy the weapon, but not buy the ammo. So where do we get that ammo ?. - Morten
  2. Morten Elholm

    How to make a welcome message when people are joining

    Hi there Im looking for a script that will write in the side channel something like "Welcome [Playername], Hope you will have a nice stay" - or something like that. Hope someone can help me - i've searched in here, and no one maked something like that.
  3. Morten Elholm

    How to change the sound of zombies ?

    Hi there Is it possible to change the sound of zombies ? - Instead of the "aaarrrrrrrrrr" sound, is it then possible to change to something like "blood.. need..bloood" - "brains... braaiins" So it makes it more fun to listen to :P ?..